City of Leeds Swim­ming Club is the pre­mier swim­ming club in York­shire, with swim­mers com­pet­ing at nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­el. Hav­ing recent­ly moved from our long-time home of over 40 years, to a new­ly-built world class facil­i­ty at the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport (JCCS), the club is an inspir­ing and ener­giz­ing place to be. 

We are the com­pe­ti­tion out­let for the Leeds City Coun­cil’s Swim Train­ing Scheme. And through the guid­ance and men­tor­ing of our expe­ri­enced ASA-qual­i­fied coach­es, swim­mers are encour­aged to attain their full poten­tial, and aspire to be the best that they can be.

Our rich his­to­ry, includ­ing being home to the 1988 Seoul Olympic gold medal­list Adri­an Moor­house, makes us one of the most suc­cess­ful clubs in Great Britain. Nev­er­the­less our focus is sole­ly on the future, and it is through our mem­bers’ com­mit­ment and endeav­our that we can go on to achieve yet more victories. 

Club Night

We host a Club Night” every Mon­day 4:30pm – 7:30pm at the Aquat­ics Cen­tre, JCC .

Sit­u­at­ed in the Deni­son Suite is an infor­ma­tion desk, where you can put any ques­tions you may have to a club offi­cer, who will be hap­py to help you. 

Major achieve­ments

  • 17 Olympians win­ning 1 gold and 1 bronze medal
  • Over 100 major games representations
  • 7 World, 7 Com­mon­wealth and 8 Euro­pean records held
  • Euro­pean men’s club champions
  • Over 100 senior and junior inter­na­tion­als
  • Nation­al Age Group Cham­pi­onships top team on 11 occasions
  • Great Britain Club Team Cham­pi­onship win­ners on 15 occasions
  • Nation­al Speedo League win­ners on 18 occa­sions

World records

David Emer­son

Mas­ters 30 – 34yrs 200m butterfly LC 2:12.15 1992

James Hick­man

100m but­ter­fly SC 51.02 1998
200m but­ter­fly SC 1:51.76 1998

Claire Hud­dart

4200m freestyle relay SC 7:49.11 2000

Adri­an Moorhouse

100m breast­stroke LC 1:01.49 1991
1:01.49 1990
1:01.49 1989
SC 59.75 1987
1:00.53 1985

Team achieve­ments

George Lester Tro­phy (York­shire Age Groups)
1965 – 6, 1968 – 9, 1972 – 99, 2000 – 2007
York­shire Bank Tro­phy (York­shire Senior)
1974 – 99, 2000 – 2004
Nation­al Swim League Champions
1980 – 84, 1988, 1990 – 99, 2000, 2001, 20032004
Junior League Winners
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 20232024
Junior League Mixed Can­non Relay Tro­phy Winners
2012, 2018, 2022, 20232024
Nation­al Age Group Boys Cham­pi­ons
1980, 1992, 1995 – 96, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 20042007
Nation­al Age Group Girls Cham­pi­ons
1981 – 82, 1993 – 97, 1999, 20002001
Nation­al Age Groups and Youth Champions
Hen­ry Ben­jamin Tro­phy (Top Men’s Team)
1981, 1985, 1986, 1989 – 97
Harold Fern Trophy
1996 – 97
Nation­al Club Team Champions
1983 – 91, 1994 – 99
EEC Club Team Cham­pi­ons (Men)
British Swim­ming Per­for­mance Rank­ing (2002)
British Swim­ming Per­for­mance Rank­ing (2003)