13 May 2009

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing swim­mers who medalled at the above meet held at the Aquat­ics Cen­tre, JCCS.


Dou­glas Walk­er (4), Jacob Sed­don (3), Rosie West (2), Ryan New­some (2), Richard Thomp­son (2), Sam Bloom, Alais Ricard, Emi­ly Fisher.


William Steven­son (4), Rebekah Bir­rell (2), Emi­ly Jones (2), Luke Mor­ris (2), Emma Hild­yard (2), Jake Rylatt (2), Kather­ine Fish­er (2), Alais Ricard (2), Adam Davis, Olivia Fer­ri­day, Dou­glas Walk­er, Ben Holdsworth, Sam Bloom, Joe Mor­ris, Kristy Davis, Christo­pher Williams.


Rebekah Bir­rell (5), William Steven­son (5), Adam Davis (3), Peter Faw­cett, Cleo Gor­ringe, Adam Smith, Emi­ly Jones, Alais Ricard, Johan­na Wilton, Emma Hild­yard, Olivia White, James Thomp­son, Richard Fry­er, Olivia Fer­ri­day, James Towler, Matthew Gra­ham, Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw, Jacob Sed­don, Fred­dy Hoban, Joe Mor­ris, Angus Hall, Ryan Newsome.

It was dis­ap­point­ing how­ev­er, to note the num­ber of club swim­mers who did not go to the pre­sen­ta­tion cer­e­mo­ny for their event to col­lect their medal. This is not accept­able, you should be proud to swim for the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club.

Final­ly Sport­sAid would like to thank all the peo­ple who helped out at the week­end. With­out these unpaid vol­un­teers, there would be no swim meet.

John Cole
Club Manager