9 June 2010

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all swim­mers who com­pet­ed at NER BAG­CATS over the week­end. There were some fan­tas­tic per­for­mances that result­ed in 21 Medals, 63 Finals Swims as well as Life Time Bests and Nation­al Qual­i­fy­ing times. 

Gold (10)

Daniel Stan­way, Freya Resendez (2), Blake Ben­nett, Rebekah Bir­rell (2), James Thomp­son, Samuel Bloom, Chloe Adams, Amy Light 

Sil­ver (6)

Har­ri­son Day, Joanne Simp­son, Rebekah Bir­rell, Freya Resendez Girls 4x200 freestyle Team (Amy Light, Kather­ine Fish­er, Rebekah Bir­rell, Nico­la Gra­ham) Girls 4x100 freestyle Team (Nico­la Gra­ham, Rebekah Bir­rell, Lin­da Shaw, Amy Light) 

Bronze (5)

Fred­dy Hoban, Dou­glas Walk­er, Freya Resendez, James Thomp­son, Kather­ine Fisher 


Adam Smith, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady, Chris Green­wood, Ben Tay­lor-Walsh, Jacob Sed­don, Will Steven­son, Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw, Richard Maw­son, Daniel Hall, Boys 4x200 freestyle Team, Boys 4x100 freestyle Team