11 October 2010

Liam Bir­rell and Kiani Camp­bell-Grady come away with five and four golds respec­tive­ly as Leeds enjoy suc­cess in first cham­pi­onship event of the season.

Ponds Forge, Sheffield was the venue for the first cham­pi­onship event of the sea­son. With some of the best swim­mers in the coun­ty try­ing to post some fast ear­ly sea­son times, the com­pe­ti­tion at the York­shire Swim­ming Asso­ci­a­tion Win­ter Cham­pi­onships was tough.

The City of Leeds were rep­re­sent­ed by swim­mers from the Devel­op­ment, Com­pe­ti­tion, Region­al Youth and Senior and Nation­al Age and Youth squads. There were some great per­for­mances over the week­end with many best times espe­cial­ly form the clubs younger swimmers.


Gold (14)

Liam Bir­rell (5), Chantel Mad­den (2), Chloe Adams, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (4), Richard Maw­son, Lewis Evers

Sil­ver (4)

Eleanor Jones, Jes­si­ca Man­ning (2), Chantel Madden

Bronze (10)

Richard Maw­son (2), Jacob Sed­don, Eleanor Jones (2), Jes­si­ca Man­ning (2), Nico­la Gra­ham, Olivia White, Euan Cowan

Well done to every­one involved.