7 June 2024

Leeds City Coun­cil and City of Leeds Swim­ming Club have been informed of the pass­ing of Mona Deni­son, wife of for­mer Head Coach Ter­ry Deni­son, on Fri­day 31st May, after a peri­od of illness.

Ter­ry & Mona were for­ev­er by one anoth­er’s side and were fun­da­men­tal in the suc­cess of the City of Leeds SC and the Coun­cil run pro­gramme for almost three decades, from the 1970’s onwards, that saw a pro­duc­tion line of Olympians and British record hold­ers being pro­duced, lead­ing to Adri­an Moore­house­’s Olympic Gold in Seoul in 1988. Mona Assist­ed Ter­ry for many year on the Nation­al Senior Squad and was an impor­tant part of the suc­cess Leeds achieved.

Our very wish­es to Ter­ry and Michael at this time.

Mon­a’s funer­al ser­vice will be held on Thurs­day 20th June 2024, at 10.45am in Cot­tin­g­ley Hall Cre­ma­to­ri­um, Ring Road, Leeds, LS11 0EU.