23 September 2024

All mem­bers and par­ents are invit­ed to attend the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club at 18:30 on the 21st Octo­ber in the Deni­son Suite.

Any pro­pos­als for change to the rules to be con­sid­ered at the AGM must be received in writ­ing by the Hon­orary Secretary.

Nom­i­na­tions are invit­ed for both offi­cer ship and sup­port­er mem­bers of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee and should be sub­mit­ted to the Hon­orary Sec­re­tary. Nom­i­na­tion forms are avail­able from the Club Chair­man and must have the sig­na­tures of the nom­i­nee, pro­pos­er and sec­on­der and all must be paid up mem­bers of the Club.

Please make every effort to attend the above meet­ing. This is your Club and the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear from the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee about devel­op­ments dur­ing the year and to put for­ward thoughts you may have about the future run­ning of the Club or the way it is managed.


  1. Chair­man’s Address
  2. Apolo­gies for Absence
  3. Min­utes of the 2023 Meet­ing held on the 16th October
  4. Hon­orary Sec­re­tary’s Report
  5. Hon­orary Trea­sur­er’s Report
  6. Chief Coach’s Report
  7. Swim Mark Report
  8. Elec­tion of Officers
  9. Change of Rule (see sep­a­rate paper)
  10. Fees for 2025
  11. Any Oth­er Busi­ness relat­ing to the above

Gen­er­al Information

In accor­dance with the Club rules, only paid-up mem­bers of the Club aged 16 and over will be allowed to vote at the AGM Asso­ciate Mem­bers are invit­ed to attend the meet­ing but will not be allowed to vote.

Any­one requir­ing nom­i­na­tion forms please con­tact the Chair­man Rod War­dle at rjw1062@​aol.​co.​uk.

Anna Chees­brough
Hon­orary Secretary