26 November 2024

Final standings

  1. City of Leeds 355
  2. Leamington Spa 242
  3. Tynemouth 212
  4. Preston 212
  5. Leyland Barracuda 211
  6. Hackney 204
  7. Nuneaton & Bedworth 199
  8. City of Lincoln Pentaqua 118

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League 2024. After win­ning the White Rose leg of the com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fy­ing for the final, our swim­mers came out the strongest and were crowned the Nation­al Junior League cham­pi­ons for the sixth time in a row.

Leeds now holds the record for the longest streak of wins in the com­pe­ti­tion since it start­ed in 1979. It cer­tain­ly was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun. It was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. City of Leeds came out on top with 33 first place fin­ish­es. An excel­lent team effort, WELL DONE.

A big thank you to all the sup­port­ers amongst oth­ers who pro­vid­ed all the hats and flags etc. Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went in to sup­port­ing the team, you were all excel­lent, you looked great, and it real­ly helped moti­vate the swimmers.

Best Female in Age Group

12 Years – Rosie Brogden 

Meet Record

9 Yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay = 1:11.81
(Reuben Bark­er, Noah Bed­ford-Collins, Adam Mohammed, Cal­lum Young) 

Can­non Tro­phy Win­ners 2024

City of Leeds vic­to­ry was the prod­uct of an excel­lent team per­for­mance and out­stand­ing sup­port, with our colour­ful and vocal sup­port­ers cheer­ing the team all the way. Well done to swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

A Team Above All. And Above All A TEAM.”

City of Leeds Junior League History
