MBE Delight for City of Leeds Volunteer

Posted on 21 December 2007

City of Leeds Swim Club Sup­port­ers Com­mit­tee Chair Bar­bara Lan­cast­er has received an hon­orary Mem­ber of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for her invalu­able con­tri­bu­tion to sport over the years.

Bar­bara has been involved with the swim­ming club since the 1970’s when her daugh­ter was com­pet­ing at Leeds. She quick­ly became involved in the com­mit­tee and the run­ning of the club and became Chair of the sup­port­ers com­mit­tee in 1978.

She worked as Team Man­ag­er for a club tour of Chi­na in 1988 and went on to become the first female nation­al squad Team Man­ag­er in 1996. She worked with the teams at the 1992 and 1996 Olympics and the 1993 Euro­pean Championships.

Babs as she is know is remem­bered fond­ly by swim­mers on the squads and has enjoyed every moment of her career with­in swim­ming. I am absolute­ly over­whelmed to receive this award,” she said. I’m amazed to get an MBE for doing some­thing that has been so plea­sur­able for 32 years. I knew when I first sat watch­ing my daugh­ter swim­ming that I had to get involved with the sport and I have nev­er regret­ted that decision.

It has been love­ly to get to know so many swim­mers and watch them take their steps towards suc­cess. Swim­ming is very much a one to one sport and every­one involved knows how hard the ath­letes work towards their success.”