Impressive Medal Haul at Junior Open Meet

Posted on 6 October 2010

Despite it being ear­ly in the sea­son there were some fan­tas­tic per­for­mances from City of Leeds Swim­mers. The atmos­phere on pool­side was excel­lent and many swim­mers achieved best times.

City of Leeds came away with an impres­sive medal haul of:

39 Gold

Richard Maw­son (2), Lau­ren Roberts, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (3), Lin­da Shaw (4), Toby Kitch­ing (2), Lewis Evers (3), Blake Ben­nett (2), James Thomp­son (3), Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw (2), Euan Cow­an, Eleanor Jones (2), Kather­ine Fish­er (2), Amy Light (2), Phebe Robin­son, Ben Tay­lor-Walsh, Liam Bir­rell, Fabio Lare­do (2), Abbie Holyoake, Cleo Gor­ringe, Oliv­er Bing­ham, Rebekah Bir­rel, James Water­worth, Dom Beech.

54 Sil­ver

Joseph Gray (3), Geor­gia Coates (2), Tom Gaskell, Dan Stan­way (2), Har­ri­son Day (3), Phebe Robin­son, Rebekah Bir­rell (2), Dan Hall (2), Fabio Lare­do (2), Rebec­ca Fish­er (2), Beth Reid, Jem­ma Ayles­bury, Richard Maw­son (2), Amy Light (2), James Hole, Blake Ben­nett, Dom Beech (3), Jess Lew­ing­ton (3), Euan Cow­an, Toby Kitch­ing, Chris Green­wood (2), Oliv­er Bing­ham, Kit Law­less Coombs, James Water­worth, Fin­lay Law­less Coombs, John Wright, Lin­da Shaw, Han­nah Senior, Nico­la Garham (2), Anna Bell­wood, Ben Tay­lor-Walsh (2), Abi­gail Jack, Chris Jackson.

46 Bronze

Chris Green­wood (4), Jacob But­ter­field (2), Fred­dy Hoban (2), Nico­la Gra­ham (3), Liam Bir­rell, Dom Beech (3), Lau­ren Roberts, Bran­non Pear­son (4), Joseph Gray, Rebekah Bir­rell (2), Callan Jack, Tom Brag­in­ton (2), Sasha Kitch­ing, Cleo Gor­ringe, Dan Hall, Fabio Lare­do (2), Tide Dracup (2), Alexan­dra Parkes, Lay­la Black, Anna Bell­wood (2), Lib­er­ty Mel­lors, Annie Shaw, Beth Hay, Kit Law­less Coombs, Lee Sin­clair, Ker­rie Sin­clair, Court­ney Leath­ley, James Water­worth, Thomas McAuliffe.

Well done to everyone.