Leeds Swimmers Turn in Great Performances at National Qualifying Meet

Posted on 15 April 2011

Meet lives up to its name with many Leeds swim­mers post­ing qual­i­fy­ing times for the Nation­al Age Group Championships.

Swim­mers from the Nation­al Youth, Nation­al Age Group and Com­pe­ti­tion Squads were rep­re­sent­ed at the City of Leeds Nation­al Age Group Qual­i­fi­er Meet. It was a busy day of swim­ming for all involved with lit­tle time for recov­ery between events.

All the swim­mers respond­ed well to the chal­lenge with many swim­mers achiev­ing qual­i­fy­ing times for North East Region­al Cham­pi­onships or Nation­al Age Group Cham­pi­onships. City of Leeds were well rep­re­sent­ed in the finals sessions.

Gold (32)

Katy Fish­er (4), Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw (4), Eddis­son Munoz (3), Blake Ben­nett (3), Dou­glas Walk­er (3), Kiani Camp­bell Grady (3), Lin­da Shaw (2), Abi­gail Bur­ton (2), Rebekah Bir­rell, Jacob Sed­don, Har­ri­son Day, Joanne Simp­son, Fred­dy Hoban, Toby Kitch­ing, Tom Gaskell, Jacob Seddon

Sil­ver (25)

Eddis­son Munoz (4), Kiani Camp­bell Grady (4), Joanne Simp­son (2), Toby Kitch­ing (2), Rebekah Bir­rell (2), Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw (2), Jacob Sed­don, Katy Fish­er, Fabio Lare­do, Abi­gail Bur­ton, Chris Green­wood, Jess Lew­ing­ton, Lewis Evers, Jame Thomp­son, Fred­dy Hoban

Bronze (23)

Phebe Robin­son (4), Eddis­son Munoz (2), Richard Maw­son (2), Chris Green­wood (2), Rebekah Bir­rell, Fred­dy Hoban, Cleo Gor­ringe, Abi­gail Jack, Jem­ma Ayles­bury, Jess Lew­ing­ton, William Finn, Fabio Lare­do, Dom Beech, Toby Kitch­ing, Har­ri­son Day, Lewis Evers, Jacob Seddon


Lewis Evers, Chris Green­wood, Ben Tay­lor Walsh, Callan Jack, Rob Tay­lor, Han­nah White, Emel­eye Sanders, Melis­sa Robin­son, Abi­gail Jack, Olivia Dixon, Kiani Camp­bell Grady, Jem­ma Ayles­bury, Jess Lew­ing­ton, Cleo Gor­ringe, William Finn, Richard Maw­son, Dan Hall, Har­ri­son Day, Dom Beech, Elliott Holt, Fabio Lare­do, Tom Brag­in­ton, Lin­da Shaw, Dan Brooke Maw­son, James Coates, Guneet Bachra, Geor­gia Coates, Jor­dan Perkins, Zoe Kitch­ing, David Keigh­ley, Jes­si­ca Priest, Toby Kitch­ing, Tom Gaskell, Olivia Fer­ri­day, Han­nah Senior, Kim­ber­ley East­wood, Eloise Boyes, Fred­dy Hoban