Successful Summer Continues for Benson

Posted on 3 September 2011

Triath­lete Gor­don Ben­son takes yet anoth­er vic­to­ry and is called up to rep­re­sent GB at World Championships.

Gor­don was part of the Great Britain Male Youth Triathlon Team who won a gold medal at the Euro­pean Youth Relays in Tours, France. The event was a back to back triathlon relay’ (each ath­lete com­petes a full triathlon) and Gor­don took the last leg of three tak­ing the team from fifth to first. He lat­er claimed it was one of the hard­est races he had ever com­pet­ed in!

Fur­ther­more, Gor­don has now been select­ed to rep­re­sent Great Britain at Triathlon (junior lev­el) at the World Cham­pi­onships in Bei­jing in Sep­tem­ber. He is the youngest mem­ber of the 21 triath­letes select­ed, the team includes world cham­pi­ons Alis­tair and Jonathan Brown­lee and all the oth­er top names from Great Britain.

Fantastic Summer Results for Benson

Posted on 10 August 2011

City of Leeds Swim­mer and Inter­na­tion­al Triath­lete Gor­don Ben­son claims two sil­vers in major euro­pean events.

After a crash in an event in Paris where for­tu­nate­ly he sus­tained only super­fi­cial injuries, 17 year old Gor­don Ben­son went on to win two inter­na­tion­al sil­ver medals. The first was in the Euro­pean Triathlon Cup in Echter­nacht, Lux­em­bourg and the sec­ond in the 3000m at the Euro­pean Youth Olympics in Tra­b­zon, Turkey.

On top of all this, upon his return to the UK, Gor­don won gold in the British Junior Aquathlon Cham­pi­onships in Lon­don fin­ish­ing over 20 sec­onds ahead of his near­est rival!

Well done Gordon!

Benson Strikes Gold at Blenheim Triathlon Event

Posted on 8 June 2011

17-year-old City of Leeds Swim­ming Club mem­ber wins Men’s Junior Elite age group, plac­ing 7th overall.

The Blenheim Triathlon, which forms part of the British Triathlon Super Series was held on the 4th/​5th June 2011. City of Leeds Swim­ming Club mem­ber Gor­don Ben­son was com­pet­ing in the Men’s Junior Elite age group. The event con­sist­ed of a 750m swim, 20K bike ride and a 5k run.

Despite los­ing some time in his tran­si­tions Gor­don won the Men’s Junior Elite Blenheim Triathlon and came 7th over­all in a time of 01hr 01:49.

This result puts him at the top of the British Triathlon Super Series for the Elite Junior Men, a fan­tas­tic achieve­ment in his first year in this age group.

Gor­don has been select­ed to rep­re­sent Great Britain in the Euro­pean Triathlon Champs on 25th & 26th June 2011 in Spain, how­ev­er due to a clash with his stud­ies he will not be able to compete.

Despite this set­back Gor­don can still get selec­tion for the World Cham­pi­onships in Bei­jing through oth­er avenues.

We wish Gor­don the best of luck with in his bid to qual­i­fy for the World Championships.

Benson Strikes Gold at Eton Dorney Triathlon Event

Posted on 13 July 2010

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Gor­don Ben­son who a won the SUSO 1317 years High Per­for­mance Draft­ing Triathlon (400m Swim, 10km Bike, 2.5km Run) at Eton Dor­ney Lake on Saturday.

As a result Gor­don has been select­ed to rep­re­sent Great Britain at the Euro­pean Triathlon Relays to be held in Por­tu­gal at the end of August.

Well done Gor­don from all at City of Leeds Swim­ming Club.