Louise Leaves After 7 Successful Years

Posted on 24 November 2008

After a send­ing off at Club Night, Louise Gra­ham is set to leave the club at the end of the week.

Louise has been coach­ing at the club for sev­en years, and it is a tes­ta­ment to her ded­i­ca­tion and hard work eth­ic that through­out her time at the club, she has risen from Assis­tant Age Group Coach right to the top of the tree where she has been the clubs’ Chief Coach for just over a year.

Louise will be head­ing for pas­tures new at the ITC in Lough­bor­ough; home to many of this coun­try’s top swim­mers. Every­one at the club wish­es her well in her new posi­tion and thanks her for sev­en years of service.

Good Luck Louise!