Leeds Ladies Enjoy First Day European Success (updated)

Posted on 10 July 2014

Last night on the first day of the Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships in Dor­drecht, three City of Leeds swim­mers were in action for Team GB.

Geor­gia Coates swam a five sec­ond life time best to win a bronze medal in the 400m indi­vid­ual med­ley. She also placed 6th in the 800m freestyle.

Mag­dale­na Cygan nar­row­ly missed out on a medal as she fin­ished 4th in the 4 x 100m freestyle.

Amelia Clynes qual­i­fied in 2nd fastest for the final of the 200m butterfly.
Update, 11 July: In the final, Amelia won a bronze medal in a British Age Group record time of 2:11.46.

Keep track of the results on ejc​swim​ming2014​.nl.