Johnson Scoops Junior Boy Award

Posted on 9 December 2008

13-year-old Matthew John­son has been pre­sent­ed with the Junior Boy title at the York­shire Sports Awards to top off yet anoth­er tri­umphant year. 

Matt is the most suc­cess­ful age group swim­mer in British his­to­ry. Fol­low­ing on from a record nine gold medals at the British Age Group Cham­pi­onships in 2007 and 8 in 2006, he sur­passed him­self again just when it was sup­posed to get even hard­er – win­ning a record ten out of ten indi­vid­ual golds and tak­ing his tal­ly to 26 nation­al titles with­in three years. 

Dur­ing 2008’s gru­elling four-day event in Sheffield in July he broke a fur­ther sev­en British age group records – adding to the five he broke ear­li­er in the year: this totalling twelve British records in five months, which is in itself a record, with his first being gained at 12 years old. 

Matt won both the senior (open age) and junior York­shire titles for the 400m indi­vid­ual med­ley. In the York­shire Age Group Cham­pi­onships, Matt remains unbeat­en with a 100% record for the third year run­ning, win­ning all avail­able titles in both long and short course competitions. 

BBC York­shire Sports Awards 2008 [BBC Look North] 

Leeds Take Top Club at Age Groups

Posted on 28 July 2008

Out­stand­ing per­for­mances from Matthew John­son and Danielle Hall-Jack­son, helped the City of Leeds on their way to the Top Club award at the ASA Nation­al Age Group Championships. 

John­son con­clud­ed his 2008 ASA Nation­al Age Group cam­paign with 10 indi­vid­ual gold medals and 3 bronze medals from the team relays. Mean­while, Hall-Jack­son picked up 4 golds (400m/​800m/​1500m freestyle and 4 x 200m freestyle relay), 1 sil­ver (200m freestyle) and 1 bronze medal (4100m freestyle relay). 

Dom­i­nat­ing the boys 13 years age group, Matthew John­son com­plet­ed his ASA Nation­al Age Group Cham­pi­onships in 2008 with easy wins in the 200m breast­stroke (2:30.63) and 400m freestyle where he set a new British age group record of 4:09.59 smash­ing the record by over three sec­onds. He fin­ished the day by con­tribut­ing to the team per­for­mance in the boy’s 4 x 200m freestyle relay where the City of Leeds team came third. 

Sum­maris­ing Matthew John­son’s per­for­mances, Richard Deni­gan, head age group coach at the City of Leeds, said, Matthew’s tar­get was to win ten indi­vid­ual gold medals at these Cham­pi­onships. Some of his events have been close with Matthew being pushed by his com­peti­tors, but we expect­ed that and pre­pared accord­ing­ly. He’s come a long way in twelve months and we are both very pleased that he has accom­plished his goal. In train­ing we have been focused upon pac­ing and learn­ing to swim a con­trolled race. His swims have been more mature but at the end of the day this is all a learn­ing expe­ri­ence for the future”, con­clud­ed Denigan.