Triumph at National Junior League Final

Posted on 26 November 2024

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League 2024. After win­ning the White Rose leg of the com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fy­ing for the final, our swim­mers came out the strongest and were crowned the Nation­al Junior League cham­pi­ons for the sixth time in a row.

Leeds now holds the record for the longest streak of wins in the com­pe­ti­tion since it start­ed in 1979. It cer­tain­ly was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun. It was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. City of Leeds came out on top with 33 first place fin­ish­es. An excel­lent team effort, WELL DONE.

A big thank you to all the sup­port­ers amongst oth­ers who pro­vid­ed all the hats and flags etc. Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went in to sup­port­ing the team, you were all excel­lent, you looked great, and it real­ly helped moti­vate the swimmers.

Best Female in Age Group

12 Years – Rosie Brogden 

Meet Record

9 Yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay = 1:11.81
(Reuben Bark­er, Noah Bed­ford-Collins, Adam Mohammed, Cal­lum Young) 

Can­non Tro­phy Win­ners 2024

City of Leeds vic­to­ry was the prod­uct of an excel­lent team per­for­mance and out­stand­ing sup­port, with our colour­ful and vocal sup­port­ers cheer­ing the team all the way. Well done to swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

A Team Above All. And Above All A TEAM.”

City of Leeds Junior League History


Victory at White Rose Junior League

Posted on 3 June 2024

What an excit­ing morn­ing of com­pe­ti­tion at the Annu­al White Rose Junior League on Saturday.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to our City of Leeds A & B Team who fin­ished 1st & 3rd. The City of Leeds A team tri­umphed with 382 points. The A Team will now progress through to the Nation­al Final. Leeds A had a amaz­ing 45 1st places. The B Team (310) fought with Sheffield (314) all the way through to the end and came an over­all third in the com­pe­ti­tion. Well done everyone.

The next round of the Junior League is the Grand Final which will be held on Sun­day 24th Novem­ber at Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Pool, Northamp­ton. This is our thir­teenth year in the com­pe­ti­tion win­ning four years in a row (20102013) and claim­ing the title back again (2017 – 2019, 2022 – 2023). It would be great to secure the tro­phy back in Leeds again by win­ning the Grand Final for anoth­er year.

Leeds Crowned National Junior League Champions

Posted on 28 November 2023

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League 2023. After win­ning the White Rose leg of the com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fy­ing for the final, our swim­mers came out the strongest and were crowned the Nation­al Junior League cham­pi­ons for the fifth time in a row.

It cer­tain­ly was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun. It was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. City of Leeds came out on top with 29 first place fin­ish­es. An excel­lent team effort, WELL DONE!

A big thank you to all the sup­port­ers amongst oth­ers who pro­vid­ed all the hats and flags etc. Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went in to sup­port­ing the team, you were all excel­lent, you looked great, and it real­ly helped moti­vate the swimmers.

Best Male in Age Group

9 Years – Sam Ford
10 Years – Rob­son Hart 

Best Female in Age Group

9 Years – Katie Sadler
11 Years – Eliz­a­beth Bond 

City of Leeds vic­to­ry was the prod­uct of an excel­lent team per­for­mance and out­stand­ing sup­port, with our colour­ful and vocal sup­port­ers cheer­ing the team all the way. Well done to swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

A Team Above All. And Above All A TEAM.”

City of Leeds Junior League History


A 1-2 Finish at the White Rose Junior League

Posted on 5 June 2023

What a fan­tas­tic morn­ing of com­pe­ti­tion at the Annu­al White Rose Junior League on Sat­ur­day morn­ing. Con­grat­u­la­tions to our City of Leeds A & B Team who fin­ished 1st & 2nd.

The City of Leeds A team tri­umphed with 378 points. The A Team will now progress through to the Grand Final, see­ing off chal­lenges from City of Sheffield (301) and Har­ro­gate (186). Leeds A had a whop­ping 44 1st places. The B Team (315) did an amaz­ing job by steal­ing points from the oth­er teams and came an over­all sec­ond in the com­pe­ti­tion. Well done everyone.

The next round of the Junior League is the Grand Final which will be held on Sun­day 26th Novem­ber at Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Pool, Northamp­ton. This is our twelfth year in the com­pe­ti­tion win­ning four years in a row (20102013) and claim­ing the title back again (2017 – 2019, 2022). It would be great to secure the tro­phy back in Leeds again by win­ning the Grand Final for anoth­er year.

National Junior League Hat-Trick

Posted on 25 November 2019

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League 2019. After 3 rounds of swim­ming Leeds came out the strongest in all 3 rounds and were crowned the Nation­al Junior League cham­pi­ons for the third year running. 

It cer­tain­ly was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun. It was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. City of Leeds came out on top with 19 first place fin­ish­es. An excel­lent team effort, WELL DONE!

Another 1-2 Finish at White Rose Junior League

Posted on 26 June 2019

A fan­tas­tic morn­ing at the annu­al White Rose Junior League saw our A’ & B’ teams com­plete a 1 – 2 fin­ish for the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive year.

The A’ team claimed 32 1st place fin­ish­es, includ­ing the canon, and progress to the North­ern Final with 370 points, hav­ing seen off the chal­lenge from City of Sheffield (160), Don­cast­er Dartes (260), and our very own B’ Team (267), who did an amaz­ing job of steal­ing points from the oth­er teams to fin­ish over­all sec­ond in the com­pe­ti­tion. Well done every­one, it was a tense and amaz­ing experience.

Northern Domination in Junior League

Posted on 10 October 2018

An excit­ing day of rac­ing in Black­pool as City of Leeds tri­umph in the North­ern Final for a sev­enth time.

We would like to con­grat­u­late all of you on your behav­iour, cheer­ing, team spir­it, swim­ming, and most impor­tant­ly, win­ning the Nation­al Junior League North­ern Final. You were all ace and we are very proud of you.

This is the sev­enth time we have won the North­ern Final after vic­to­ries in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2017.

The team achieved a whop­ping 32 first place fin­ish­es (4 more than last year), and placed in the top 3 in every event. Back to hard train­ing now, ready to put up a fight in the Nation­al Final on 25th Novem­ber in Corby.

It was great to see all the par­ents hav­ing so much fun on the bal­cony as you cheered for your team. Thank you for all the sup­port you gave to each of the swim­mers. Let’s see if we can go to the final with not just the best swim­mers, but the best sup­port­ers as well.

The team would like to thank Kim Math­ias and Meron Gebre for their fan­tas­tic team man­ag­ment, and also David Broome, Jack­ie Broome and Vicky Spencer for their help on the day.

Good luck to City of Leeds, South­port, Tynemouth and Leices­ter Sharks who move for­ward to the Nation­al Final in November.

The team for the Nation­al Final will be announced soon.

Well done, everyone!

2017 Junior League Team Shortlisted for Leeds Sports Awards

Posted on 9 January 2018

Big con­grat­u­la­tions to our 2017 Junior League team, who have been short­list­ed as final­ists at the Leeds Sports Awards, to be held at the First Direct Are­na, Leeds on 1st March 2018.

The team are final­ists in the Young Club/​Team Per­for­mance and Young Club/​Team Par­tic­i­pa­tion Categories.

Youngsters Claim Title at Junior League Grand Final

Posted on 27 November 2017

The team return from Cor­by tri­umphant after win­ning the Junior League Grand Final for the fifth time.

Well done to all swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League and ensured City of Leeds came out on top in all 3 rounds. The Grand Final was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun, and it was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. Out of 49 races, City of Leeds bagged 28 1st place fin­ish­es, which helped us claim over­all vic­to­ry over sec­ond placed Guild­ford by just 10 points! An out­stand­ing per­for­mance by all.

Spe­cial men­tion to Daniel Ran­som (9 yrs) and Anna Ashcroft (10 yrs) who received top boy and girl awards respec­tive­ly for their per­for­mances in the indi­vid­ual events, some of which were meet records.

Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went in to sup­port­ing the team; you were all excel­lent, you looked good and it real­ly helped to moti­vate the swimmers.

Well done to the swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

Final stand­ings

  1. City of Leeds 330
  2. Guild­ford 320 
  3. Stock­port Metro 223
  4. Cam­den Swiss Cot­tage 211
  5. Der­by 177
  6. South­port 168
  7. Tynemouth 165
  8. Leices­ter Sharks 152

Meet records set

Event Name Time
Girls 9 yrs 4x25m Freestyle Relay  Gabrielle Idle-Beavers, Char­lotte Shaw, Han­nah Smith, Emma Wood  1:01.66
Boys 9 yrs 4x25m Freestyle Relay  Aniel Ran­som, Jacob Tal­bot, Arthur Firth, Oliv­er Brompton  1:00.14
Boys 10 yrs 4x25m Freestyle Relay  Kourosh Kho­dakhah, Thomas Mil­ner, Har­ry Senior, Theodore Rosenberg  59.08
Girls 9 yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay  Evie Har­ris, Gabrielle Idle-Beavers, Han­nah Smith, Emma Wood  1:11.77
Boys 9 yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay  Jacob Tal­bot, Daniel Ren­som, Oliv­er Bromp­ton, Matthew Just  1:11.44
Boys 9 yrs 50m Breaststroke  Daniel Ransom  41.65
Boys 9 yrs 50m Backstroke  Daniel Ransom  36.94
Girls 10 yrs 50m Butterfly  Anna Ashcroft  33.26
Boys 9 yrs 25m Butterfly  Oliv­er Brompton  16.31

City of Leeds Junior League History

Year Place Points
2017  1st  330
2016  2nd  282 
2015  3rd  254 
2014  6th  192 
2013  1st  301 
2012  1st  321 
2011  1st  321 
2010  1st  322 

Sixth Northern Final Triumph in Tynemouth

Posted on 4 October 2017

A fan­tas­tic day of rac­ing saw the City of Leeds crowned win­ners of the Nation­al Junior League North­ern Final.

A whop­ping 28 first place fin­ish­es helped us claim our sixth vic­to­ry in the North­ern Final, adding to the titles we won in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2016.

Thank you to all the par­ents who came along on the sup­port­ers’ bus and cheered for our team. We hope you all had fun!

Thank you to Kim Math­ias and Kay Jack­son for their fan­tas­tic team man­ag­ing, and also David Broome and Ian Jack­son for their help on the day.

Good luck to City of Leeds, Stock­port Metro, South­port and Tynemouth who all progress to the Nation­al Final on 26th Novem­ber in Cor­by. Our team for this will be announced soon, but in the mean­time, we’re back to hard train­ing and prepar­ing to put up a fight in the winter.

Well done every­one! We’re very proud of you all.

Victory at White Rose Junior League Secures Northern Final Place

Posted on 9 July 2017

Con­grat­u­la­tions to our Junior League teams, who fin­ished 1st and 5th in the White Rose League on Sat­ur­day morn­ing. The A’ Team have pro­gressed to the North­ern Area Final with a con­vinc­ing win, which includ­ed 23 1st place fin­ish­es. They won by a mas­sive 76 points!

Many thanks to the coach­es, team man­agers and offi­cials who vol­un­tar­i­ly gave up their time to sup­port the teams.

Team Clinch Second Place at Northern Junior League Final

Posted on 6 October 2015

City of Leeds nar­row­ly lose out to Stock­port Metro but qual­i­fy for the Grand Final in November. 

Team Leeds head­ed to the Stech­ford Cas­cades, Birm­ing­ham on Sun­day 4th Octo­ber for the North­ern Junior League final. The com­pe­ti­tion was as close as ever with Stock­port just edg­ing out Leeds in the final twelve events. 

Junior League Champions For The Fourth Time

Posted on 26 November 2013

The team returned from Cor­by tri­umphant in retain­ing the Grand Final Cham­pi­onship for a 4th year run­ning. This equals the cur­rent record of 4 straight wins. 

National Hat-trick for City of Leeds Age Groupers

Posted on 27 November 2012

An out­stand­ing dis­play of team spir­it, com­pet­i­tive swim­ming and a will to win saw our Junior League Squad to vic­to­ry in the ARE­NA Junior Inter-League Grand Final last Sunday. 

Junior League Team Through to National Final

Posted on 6 October 2011

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the Junior League Team who won the North­ern Final on Sun­day 2nd Octo­ber 2011 at the Tynemouth Pool. They Com­pete in the Nation­al Final at Cor­by on the 27th Novem­ber look­ing to defend their title.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all swim­mers who com­pet­ed, anoth­er fan­tas­tic effort!

Many thanks to:

  • The Team Man­agers for their excel­lent efforts,
  • All the par­ents who made the trip – the sup­port was excel­lent once again,
  • The Sup­port­ers and Exec­u­tive com­mit­tees for their support.

Double Victory for White Rose League Teams

Posted on 12 September 2010

A mag­nif­i­cent dou­ble vic­to­ry by both A’ & B’ teams in the White Rose League meets held at Aquat­ics Cen­tre, JCCS.

Sat­ur­day 11th Sep­tem­ber 2010 saw the top clubs in York­shire con­gre­gate at the John Charles Cen­tre, Leeds for the annu­al White Rose Com­pe­ti­tion. This year there were two galas back to back, with the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club being rep­re­sent­ed in both galas.

Gala 1: City of Leeds A’ team Storm to Victory 

The first gala saw the City of Leeds A’ team going up against strong oppo­si­tion from the City of Sheffield, Bor­ough of Kirklees, York, Kingston Upon Hull, Har­ro­gate, Don­cast­er Dartes and Rother­ham Metro.

City of Leeds A’ team got off to a fan­tas­tic start win­ning 6 of the first 8 relay events, open­ing up an ear­ly points lead. As the gala moved into the indi­vid­ual events the City of Leeds A’ team con­tin­ued to build on their great start win­ning a fur­ther 15 events and con­sis­tent­ly fin­ish­ing in the top 3. Going into the final block of relay events the City of Leeds A’ team had a 25 point lead.

This lead proved too much as the City of Leeds A’ team stormed to a fur­ther 7 wins in 9 events, win­ning the over­all com­pe­ti­tion and fin­ish­ing 44 points ahead of the Bor­ough of Kirklees, with 28 event wins. The A’ team now trav­els to Lin­coln on the 2nd Octo­ber to com­pete in the North­ern Area Final of the Nation­al Junior League.

indi­vid­ual win­ners were: Ellie Jones (2), Abi­gail Jack, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (3), Liam Bir­rell (2), Chantel Mad­den, Toby Kitch­ing, Blake Ben­nett, Euan Cow­an, Richard Maw­son (2) and Chloe Adams.

Gala 2: City of Leeds B’ team make it a Double! 

The sec­ond gala saw the City of Leeds B’ team take on City Of Sheffield B’ team, Don­cast­er Dartes B’ team and the City Of Bradford.

Fol­low­ing on from the A’ team the City of Leeds B’ team also made a great start win­ning 6 of the first 8 relay events. Keep­ing up the momen­tum as the sec­ond gala moved into the indi­vid­ual events, the City of Leeds B’ team won 14 of the indi­vid­ual events and placed no low­er than 3rd. This meant that the B’ team took a strong lead into the final phase of the gala win­ning 4 of the last 9 relay events, mak­ing it an impres­sive 24 event vic­to­ries. Despite a strong come­back from Brad­ford, the City of Leeds B’ team won the sec­ond gala by 23 points, secur­ing a fan­tas­tic dou­ble for the club.

The indi­vid­ual win­ners were: Dara Mad­den, Abi­gail Bur­ton (2), Kit Law­less Coombes, Han­nah White, William Finn, Kate Offord, Oliv­er Bing­ham, Ben Tay­lor Walsh, Bil­ly Walk­er, Elle Pick­ett, Fin­lay Law­less Coombes, Leah Crisp, and Bethany Hay.

Well done to all the swim­mers and staff involved from both teams and thanks to all the vol­un­teers for their time in mak­ing these two meets possible.

Due to a clash of dates, those City of Leeds A’ team swim­mers who have been entered for the City of Leeds Junior Open will be removed from the Sat­ur­day pro­gram and refunds will be arranged.