North East Arena League Champions Once Again

Posted on 17 December 2013

Sat­ur­day saw our team advance to the nation­al final of the ARE­NA League by win­ning the North East ARE­NA League Final for the third year in a row. 

Important Information Regarding National Arena League Final

Posted on 3 March 2011

Plans for the day out­lined by Head Coach Dave Calle­ja and how to get your tick­ets for the biggest team event of the year!

The Nation­al Are­na League Final will be held at Ponds Forge, Sheffield on Sun­day 17th April 2011. The squad will be trav­el­ling to the venue by coach. All select­ed swim­mers will be expect­ed to trav­el with the squad in accor­dance with the our Nation­al Are­na League Selec­tion Policy.


  • Meet 11:30 at John Charles Cen­tre for Sport
  • Coach Departs 11:45
  • Warm Up 13:30
  • Coach returns 18:30 (esti­mat­ed)

Swim­mers will be expect­ed to trav­el in full City of Leeds Swim­ming Club Kit and wear City of Leeds Club Kit on pool­side at all times dur­ing the event. Swim­mers who wear a swim­ming cap must wear a City of Leeds Club cap for warm up and rac­ing. This is in accor­dance with the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club Nation­al Are­na League Selec­tion Policy.

The Nation­al Are­na League Final Squad has been select­ed from the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club Rank­ings. Selec­tion is based on age as at 31st Decem­ber and in accor­dance with the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club Nation­al Are­na League Selec­tion Policy.


Tick­ets for the Nation­al Are­na League Final are avail­able from Kay Chees­brough (Senior Nation­al Squad). To reserve your tick­ets contact:

  • Email: kcheesbrough@​featherstone.​wakefield.​sch.​uk
  • Phone: 07931661345

Tick­ets are £7.00 each (£3.50 for senior cit­i­zens and under 16 years). Dis­abled indi­vid­u­als and their car­ers are admit­ted free of charge.


There are a num­ber of events tak­ing place on the week­end of the final and we have been advised that park­ing will be very restrict­ed in and around the pool. The club will there­fore arrange for one or two sup­port­ers coach­es to trav­el to Sheffield if required. To this end, when you reserve your tick­ets you will be asked to indi­cate your wish to trav­el by coach or not. The cost of the sup­port­ers coach will be approx­i­mate­ly £5.00 per head. The swim­mers coach will be free of charge.

The sup­port­ers bus togeth­er with the swim­mers bus will depart from the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport at 11.45am and expect­ed to return at approx­i­mate­ly 5.00pm.

If any par­ents would be pre­pared to help get things organ­ised in terms of t‑shirts, horns, make-up, fun­ny wigs or any oth­er team para­pher­na­lia, then I am sure the sup­port­ers com­mit­tee would very much appre­ci­at­ed it.

It will be a great after­noon of fast and furi­ous team com­pe­ti­tion, and I hope every­one will be able to come along and sup­port the swimmers.

Dave Calle­ja
Head Coach

City of Leeds Storm to Victory in North East Final

Posted on 14 December 2010

City of Leeds A Team qual­i­fy for the Are­na League Nation­al Final after an emphat­ic vic­to­ry in the North East League Final.

The final of the North East Nation­al Are­na Swim­ming League took place at the John Charles Cen­tre, Leeds, on 12th Decem­ber 2010. Com­pet­ing teams were, City of Leeds, City of Sheffield, Don­cast­er Dartes, Har­ro­gate, Gateshead & Wick­ham and Tynemouth.

City of Leeds A’ Team got off to a fly­ing start win­ning 8 of the first 10 events. They con­tin­ued this trend win­ning a total of 30 events and fin­ish­ing in the top 3 in 47 out of the 50 events. A great achieve­ment from the whole team. The City of Leeds B’ Team fought hard to earn 18 top three fin­ish­es and 5th place overall.

The final (3rd) round stand­ings were:

  1. City of Leeds A’ 372
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 285
  3. Don­cast­er Dartes 257
  4. Har­ro­gate & Dis­trict 251
  5. City of Leeds B’ 237
  6. City of Sheffield B’ 141
  7. Gateshead & Wick­ham 141
  8. Tynemouth 116

After 3 wins out of 3 the City of Leeds A’ Team were crowned North East League Cham­pi­ons with City of Leeds B’ Team fin­ish­ing 4th equal with Harrogate.

This means that City of Leeds qual­i­fy for the Nation­al Final, which will be held at Ponds Forge, Sheffield on April 17th 2011. City of Sheffield qual­i­fy for the Nation­al B’ Final.

North East League Final Stand­ings (after 3 rounds)

  1. City of Leeds A’ 24pts
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 21pts
  3. Don­cast­er Dartes 17pts
  4. Har­ro­gate & Dis­trict 14pts
  5. City of Leeds B’ 14pts
  6. City of Sheffield B’ 8pts
  7. Gateshead & Wick­ham 7pts
  8. Tynemouth 3pts

Leeds Place 1st and 3rd in Arena Swimming League Round 2

Posted on 15 November 2010

City of Leeds’ strength in depth shines through in the sec­ond round of the North East Are­na Swim­ming League. 

On Sat­ur­day 13th Novem­ber the 8 teams from the North East of Eng­land assem­bled at the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport, Leeds, to com­pete in round 2 of the Nation­al Are­na Swim­ming League. 

Despite City of Leeds win­ning 6 of the first 10 events, the ear­ly lead­ers were once again Sheffield A’ team, with a slen­der 1 point lead after 10 events. After 18 events City of Leeds A’ had surged into an 8 point lead which they were nev­er to relin­quish. Win­ning 29 events and plac­ing in the top 3 posi­tions in 46 out of 50 events City of Leeds A’ even­tu­al­ly fin­ished 43 point ahead of clos­et rivals Sheffield A’. City of Leeds B’ team picked up their per­for­mance in round 2 and despite not win­ning any events fin­ished com­fort­ably in 3rd place, pick­ing up 2 places from the pre­vi­ous round, a fan­tas­tic performance. 

Round 1

  1. City of Leeds A’ 349
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 295
  3. Don­cast­er Dartes 260
  4. Har­ro­gate & Dis­trict 247
  5. City of Leeds B’ 238
  6. Gateshead & Wick­ham 157
  7. City of Sheffield B’ 125
  8. Tynemouth 124

Round 2

  1. City of Leeds A’ 366
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 329
  3. City of Leeds B’ 252
  4. Don­cast­er 212
  5. Har­ro­gate 205
  6. City of Sheffield B’ 166
  7. Gateshead & Wick­ham 142
  8. Tynemouth 130

Well done to every­one involved.