Three Leeds Swimmers Selected for GB Teams

Posted on 3 June 2008

Rachel Gar­den­er (15), Emma Gra­ham (15) and Stephen Water­house (17) have been select­ed to rep­re­sent Great Britain in var­i­ous end of sea­son internationals. 

Rachel, coached by Richard Deni­gan, and Emma, coached by Louise Gra­ham, will rep­re­sent Great Britain in the Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships in Bel­grade, Ser­bia, 30th July – 3rd August. 

Rachel will swim the 50m and 100m breast­stroke whilst also hop­ing to secure a place in the med­ley relay. 

Emma mean­while, will be swim­ming a range of events; 50m, 800m and 1500m freestyle, as well as the 4 x 100m freestyle relay. 

A spe­cial con­grat­u­la­tions to Stephen for mak­ing his first senior GB team. Stephen, also under the stew­ard­ship of Louise, will rep­re­sent Great Britain in the Euro­pean 10K Open Water Cup in Piom­bi­no, Italy, 15th June. The Euro­pean Cup is a selec­tion meet for the Euro­pean Junior 10k Open Water Cham­pi­onships in Sete, France on 12th July. Stephen will be aim­ing to secure his place in France, by fin­ish­ing amongst the top 3 Britons in Italy. 

Great Job Guys! 

Leeds trio win Euro­pean Selec­tion [BBC Sport]