Great Swims and Plenty of Medals at SportsAid Meet

Posted on 12 May 2011

Annu­al Sport­sAid Uni­son meet shows swim­mers are in good shape approach­ing end of sea­son meets.

The annu­al Sport­sAid Uni­son meet was held over the week­end of 7th and 8th May at the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport Aquat­ic Centre.

The meet was well attend­ed with clubs from York­shire and Hum­ber­side as well as teams from as far away as Wales.

The City of Leeds were rep­re­sent­ed by mem­bers of the Nation­al, Region­al, Com­pe­ti­tion and Devel­op­ment squads. With many of the Leeds swim­mers in their final prepa­ra­tion for the NER Age Group Cham­pi­onships at the begin­ning of June this was an oppor­tu­ni­ty for qual­i­ty race prac­tice and to get some last minute qual­i­fy­ing times.

There were plen­ty of good swims over the week­end with numer­ous sea­son and life­time best times show­ing that every­one is in good shape.

The City of Leeds swim­mers picked up 21 gold, 23 sil­ver and 20 bronze medals over the week­end which was a great effort.

Well done to every­one involved.