Richard Denigan and Terry Denison holding their coaching awards

City of Leeds Coaches Past and Present Recognised by BSCA

Posted on 29 September 2014

Ter­ry Deni­son and Richard Deni­gan both received awards at the British Swim­ming Coach­es Asso­ci­a­tion annu­al awards dinner. 

For­mer Chief Coach Ter­ry Deni­son received a life­time achieve­ment and ser­vice award. Ter­ry coached at the club for 35 years, dur­ing which time we had 17 Olympians win­ning 1 gold and 1 bronze medal. 

Cur­rent Chief Coach Richard Deni­gan was giv­en a coach­ing award of excel­lence in recog­ni­tion of his role in Sophie Tay­lor’s Com­mon­wealth gold medal. This rounds off an excel­lent year for both Richard and the club.