City of Leeds Storm to Victory in North East Final

Posted on 14 December 2010

City of Leeds A Team qual­i­fy for the Are­na League Nation­al Final after an emphat­ic vic­to­ry in the North East League Final.

The final of the North East Nation­al Are­na Swim­ming League took place at the John Charles Cen­tre, Leeds, on 12th Decem­ber 2010. Com­pet­ing teams were, City of Leeds, City of Sheffield, Don­cast­er Dartes, Har­ro­gate, Gateshead & Wick­ham and Tynemouth.

City of Leeds A’ Team got off to a fly­ing start win­ning 8 of the first 10 events. They con­tin­ued this trend win­ning a total of 30 events and fin­ish­ing in the top 3 in 47 out of the 50 events. A great achieve­ment from the whole team. The City of Leeds B’ Team fought hard to earn 18 top three fin­ish­es and 5th place overall.

The final (3rd) round stand­ings were:

  1. City of Leeds A’ 372
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 285
  3. Don­cast­er Dartes 257
  4. Har­ro­gate & Dis­trict 251
  5. City of Leeds B’ 237
  6. City of Sheffield B’ 141
  7. Gateshead & Wick­ham 141
  8. Tynemouth 116

After 3 wins out of 3 the City of Leeds A’ Team were crowned North East League Cham­pi­ons with City of Leeds B’ Team fin­ish­ing 4th equal with Harrogate.

This means that City of Leeds qual­i­fy for the Nation­al Final, which will be held at Ponds Forge, Sheffield on April 17th 2011. City of Sheffield qual­i­fy for the Nation­al B’ Final.

North East League Final Stand­ings (after 3 rounds)

  1. City of Leeds A’ 24pts
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 21pts
  3. Don­cast­er Dartes 17pts
  4. Har­ro­gate & Dis­trict 14pts
  5. City of Leeds B’ 14pts
  6. City of Sheffield B’ 8pts
  7. Gateshead & Wick­ham 7pts
  8. Tynemouth 3pts

Leeds Place 1st and 3rd in Arena Swimming League Round 2

Posted on 15 November 2010

City of Leeds’ strength in depth shines through in the sec­ond round of the North East Are­na Swim­ming League. 

On Sat­ur­day 13th Novem­ber the 8 teams from the North East of Eng­land assem­bled at the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport, Leeds, to com­pete in round 2 of the Nation­al Are­na Swim­ming League. 

Despite City of Leeds win­ning 6 of the first 10 events, the ear­ly lead­ers were once again Sheffield A’ team, with a slen­der 1 point lead after 10 events. After 18 events City of Leeds A’ had surged into an 8 point lead which they were nev­er to relin­quish. Win­ning 29 events and plac­ing in the top 3 posi­tions in 46 out of 50 events City of Leeds A’ even­tu­al­ly fin­ished 43 point ahead of clos­et rivals Sheffield A’. City of Leeds B’ team picked up their per­for­mance in round 2 and despite not win­ning any events fin­ished com­fort­ably in 3rd place, pick­ing up 2 places from the pre­vi­ous round, a fan­tas­tic performance. 

Round 1

  1. City of Leeds A’ 349
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 295
  3. Don­cast­er Dartes 260
  4. Har­ro­gate & Dis­trict 247
  5. City of Leeds B’ 238
  6. Gateshead & Wick­ham 157
  7. City of Sheffield B’ 125
  8. Tynemouth 124

Round 2

  1. City of Leeds A’ 366
  2. City of Sheffield A’ 329
  3. City of Leeds B’ 252
  4. Don­cast­er 212
  5. Har­ro­gate 205
  6. City of Sheffield B’ 166
  7. Gateshead & Wick­ham 142
  8. Tynemouth 130

Well done to every­one involved. 

Success for Youngsters at Winter County Competition

Posted on 11 October 2010

Liam Bir­rell and Kiani Camp­bell-Grady come away with five and four golds respec­tive­ly as Leeds enjoy suc­cess in first cham­pi­onship event of the season.

Ponds Forge, Sheffield was the venue for the first cham­pi­onship event of the sea­son. With some of the best swim­mers in the coun­ty try­ing to post some fast ear­ly sea­son times, the com­pe­ti­tion at the York­shire Swim­ming Asso­ci­a­tion Win­ter Cham­pi­onships was tough.

The City of Leeds were rep­re­sent­ed by swim­mers from the Devel­op­ment, Com­pe­ti­tion, Region­al Youth and Senior and Nation­al Age and Youth squads. There were some great per­for­mances over the week­end with many best times espe­cial­ly form the clubs younger swimmers.


Gold (14)

Liam Bir­rell (5), Chantel Mad­den (2), Chloe Adams, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (4), Richard Maw­son, Lewis Evers

Sil­ver (4)

Eleanor Jones, Jes­si­ca Man­ning (2), Chantel Madden

Bronze (10)

Richard Maw­son (2), Jacob Sed­don, Eleanor Jones (2), Jes­si­ca Man­ning (2), Nico­la Gra­ham, Olivia White, Euan Cowan

Well done to every­one involved.

Bochmann Blitzes Life Time Best to Finish 4th at Commonwealths

Posted on 8 October 2010

After a dis­ap­point­ing 200m indi­vid­ual med­ley ear­li­er in the week, Anne Bochmann clocked a two sec­ond life-time best today to fin­ish 4th in the 400m freestyle at the Com­mon­wealth Games in Delhi.

Sec­ond to dou­ble Olympic Cham­pi­on Rebec­ca Adling­ton for much of the race, Anne’s time of 4:08.30 was just 0.08 sec­onds out­side bronze medal posi­tion, which was even­tu­al­ly won by Wales’ Jaz Carlin.

Well done and con­grat­u­la­tions Anne from all at City of Leeds Swim­ming Club. A great swim after a long and gru­elling sea­son that’s not over just yet; Anne is swim­ming in the 200m but­ter­fly tomorrow!

Impressive Medal Haul at Junior Open Meet

Posted on 6 October 2010

Despite it being ear­ly in the sea­son there were some fan­tas­tic per­for­mances from City of Leeds Swim­mers. The atmos­phere on pool­side was excel­lent and many swim­mers achieved best times.

City of Leeds came away with an impres­sive medal haul of:

39 Gold

Richard Maw­son (2), Lau­ren Roberts, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (3), Lin­da Shaw (4), Toby Kitch­ing (2), Lewis Evers (3), Blake Ben­nett (2), James Thomp­son (3), Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw (2), Euan Cow­an, Eleanor Jones (2), Kather­ine Fish­er (2), Amy Light (2), Phebe Robin­son, Ben Tay­lor-Walsh, Liam Bir­rell, Fabio Lare­do (2), Abbie Holyoake, Cleo Gor­ringe, Oliv­er Bing­ham, Rebekah Bir­rel, James Water­worth, Dom Beech.

54 Sil­ver

Joseph Gray (3), Geor­gia Coates (2), Tom Gaskell, Dan Stan­way (2), Har­ri­son Day (3), Phebe Robin­son, Rebekah Bir­rell (2), Dan Hall (2), Fabio Lare­do (2), Rebec­ca Fish­er (2), Beth Reid, Jem­ma Ayles­bury, Richard Maw­son (2), Amy Light (2), James Hole, Blake Ben­nett, Dom Beech (3), Jess Lew­ing­ton (3), Euan Cow­an, Toby Kitch­ing, Chris Green­wood (2), Oliv­er Bing­ham, Kit Law­less Coombs, James Water­worth, Fin­lay Law­less Coombs, John Wright, Lin­da Shaw, Han­nah Senior, Nico­la Garham (2), Anna Bell­wood, Ben Tay­lor-Walsh (2), Abi­gail Jack, Chris Jackson.

46 Bronze

Chris Green­wood (4), Jacob But­ter­field (2), Fred­dy Hoban (2), Nico­la Gra­ham (3), Liam Bir­rell, Dom Beech (3), Lau­ren Roberts, Bran­non Pear­son (4), Joseph Gray, Rebekah Bir­rell (2), Callan Jack, Tom Brag­in­ton (2), Sasha Kitch­ing, Cleo Gor­ringe, Dan Hall, Fabio Lare­do (2), Tide Dracup (2), Alexan­dra Parkes, Lay­la Black, Anna Bell­wood (2), Lib­er­ty Mel­lors, Annie Shaw, Beth Hay, Kit Law­less Coombs, Lee Sin­clair, Ker­rie Sin­clair, Court­ney Leath­ley, James Water­worth, Thomas McAuliffe.

Well done to everyone.

Waterhouse Wins Open Water Double

Posted on 13 September 2010

Rep­re­sent­ing Scot­land in the French Open Water Cup this week­end, Stephen Water­house beat a strong inter­na­tion­al con­tin­gent to com­plete the dou­ble in both the 5k and 10k events.

Double Victory for White Rose League Teams

Posted on 12 September 2010

A mag­nif­i­cent dou­ble vic­to­ry by both A’ & B’ teams in the White Rose League meets held at Aquat­ics Cen­tre, JCCS.

Sat­ur­day 11th Sep­tem­ber 2010 saw the top clubs in York­shire con­gre­gate at the John Charles Cen­tre, Leeds for the annu­al White Rose Com­pe­ti­tion. This year there were two galas back to back, with the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club being rep­re­sent­ed in both galas.

Gala 1: City of Leeds A’ team Storm to Victory 

The first gala saw the City of Leeds A’ team going up against strong oppo­si­tion from the City of Sheffield, Bor­ough of Kirklees, York, Kingston Upon Hull, Har­ro­gate, Don­cast­er Dartes and Rother­ham Metro.

City of Leeds A’ team got off to a fan­tas­tic start win­ning 6 of the first 8 relay events, open­ing up an ear­ly points lead. As the gala moved into the indi­vid­ual events the City of Leeds A’ team con­tin­ued to build on their great start win­ning a fur­ther 15 events and con­sis­tent­ly fin­ish­ing in the top 3. Going into the final block of relay events the City of Leeds A’ team had a 25 point lead.

This lead proved too much as the City of Leeds A’ team stormed to a fur­ther 7 wins in 9 events, win­ning the over­all com­pe­ti­tion and fin­ish­ing 44 points ahead of the Bor­ough of Kirklees, with 28 event wins. The A’ team now trav­els to Lin­coln on the 2nd Octo­ber to com­pete in the North­ern Area Final of the Nation­al Junior League.

indi­vid­ual win­ners were: Ellie Jones (2), Abi­gail Jack, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (3), Liam Bir­rell (2), Chantel Mad­den, Toby Kitch­ing, Blake Ben­nett, Euan Cow­an, Richard Maw­son (2) and Chloe Adams.

Gala 2: City of Leeds B’ team make it a Double! 

The sec­ond gala saw the City of Leeds B’ team take on City Of Sheffield B’ team, Don­cast­er Dartes B’ team and the City Of Bradford.

Fol­low­ing on from the A’ team the City of Leeds B’ team also made a great start win­ning 6 of the first 8 relay events. Keep­ing up the momen­tum as the sec­ond gala moved into the indi­vid­ual events, the City of Leeds B’ team won 14 of the indi­vid­ual events and placed no low­er than 3rd. This meant that the B’ team took a strong lead into the final phase of the gala win­ning 4 of the last 9 relay events, mak­ing it an impres­sive 24 event vic­to­ries. Despite a strong come­back from Brad­ford, the City of Leeds B’ team won the sec­ond gala by 23 points, secur­ing a fan­tas­tic dou­ble for the club.

The indi­vid­ual win­ners were: Dara Mad­den, Abi­gail Bur­ton (2), Kit Law­less Coombes, Han­nah White, William Finn, Kate Offord, Oliv­er Bing­ham, Ben Tay­lor Walsh, Bil­ly Walk­er, Elle Pick­ett, Fin­lay Law­less Coombes, Leah Crisp, and Bethany Hay.

Well done to all the swim­mers and staff involved from both teams and thanks to all the vol­un­teers for their time in mak­ing these two meets possible.

Due to a clash of dates, those City of Leeds A’ team swim­mers who have been entered for the City of Leeds Junior Open will be removed from the Sat­ur­day pro­gram and refunds will be arranged.

Bochmann Sets Her Sights on Delhi 2010 as Leeds End The Year In Style

Posted on 9 September 2010

The ASA Nation­al Cham­pi­onships in Sun­der­land saw a first senior inter­na­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tion for Bochmann and a first senior medal for Kiritschenko.

Whilst most of the swim­mers arriv­ing in Sun­der­land were some­what weary after a long and demand­ing Youth Cham­pi­onships and found it very chal­leng­ing to deliv­er the same per­for­mances against some of the best senior swim­mers in the UK, the meet for oth­ers rep­re­sent­ed great opportunities.

The high­light for the team on day one was Anne Bochmann win­ning the senior 200m indi­vid­ual med­ley title in a new life­time best per­for­mance of 2:13.88 to qual­i­fy for the Com­mon­wealth Games and her first senior inter­na­tion­al meet. Kate Hutchin­son, who moved from Leeds to Lough­bor­ough last year, was sec­ond in 2:15.33 and World Open Water Cham­pi­on Keri Anne Payne was third in 2:15.38 secs.

Avril Kir­itschenko con­tin­ued her great form when she qual­i­fied sec­ond going into the final of the 50m breast­stroke and raced to anoth­er life­time best per­for­mance and club record of 32.44 to secure the sil­ver medal; her first at a senior nation­al lev­el. Lat­er in the week Avril went on to fin­ish 4th in the 100m breast­stroke in anoth­er LTB per­for­mance of 1:11.16 miss­ing a medal by less than 5/​10th of a sec­ond to fin­ish off a very suc­cess­ful season.

Matthew Alli­son, who has been with the pro­gramme since com­ing to uni­ver­si­ty last Sep­tem­ber cruised to the final in the Men’s 400m indi­vid­ual med­ley in what is his first Senior Nation­al Cham­pi­onships since mov­ing from the youth ranks last sea­son. In the final Matthew fin­ished a cred­itable 4th place with a life­time best per­for­mance of 4:24.7.

Emma Gra­ham post­ed a life­time best in the Wom­ens 50m freestyle final after qual­i­fy­ing in the morn­ing heats in 10th posi­tion. She suc­ceed­ed in mov­ing up to 5th place from the out­side lane in a time of 26.53 and less than 2/​10th of a sec­ond from a podi­um place. Both Emma and Danielle Hall-Jack­son fin­ished top 8 in the fastest heat of the Wom­ens 800m freestyle with Danielle fin­ish­ing 5th mar­gin­al­ly out­side her best time set at the recent Youth Cham­pi­onships and a good result for her first senior final.

In the Wom­ens 400m freestyle, Anne Bochmann lined up with Olympic medal­list and for­mer world record hold­er Joanne Jack­son and was deter­mined to take her on. The expec­ta­tion of a fast first 200m did not mate­ri­alise and whilst Anne matched Joanne stroke for stroke until 300m her strength and matu­ri­ty over the last 100m was too much for Anne who nonethe­less secured her sec­ond medal of the cham­pi­onships. Only some 15 min­utes lat­er Anne was back in the pool for the 400m indi­vid­ual med­ley final where she had to set­tle for sil­ver once again behind Stephanie Proud albeit with anoth­er life­time best per­for­mance of 4:44.67 This topped off a great sea­son for Anne cul­mi­nat­ing in her Com­mon­wealth Games selec­tion in the 200 IM, 200m but­ter­fly and 400m freestyle.

It was anoth­er great team effort from a young team.

Girls On Top at National Youth Championships

Posted on 8 September 2010

Lots of life time best per­for­mances help bring home the wom­en’s team tro­phy for the sec­ond year run­ning with the club fin­ish­ing sec­ond top team overall. 

Age Groupers Win Top Team at Nationals

Posted on 16 August 2010

Five days of great per­for­mances from every swim­mer con­tributed to the team win­ning the Nation­al Age Group Team Cham­pi­onship title for the sec­ond time in three years. A fan­tas­tic achieve­ment for all involved. 

Benson Strikes Gold at Eton Dorney Triathlon Event

Posted on 13 July 2010

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Gor­don Ben­son who a won the SUSO 1317 years High Per­for­mance Draft­ing Triathlon (400m Swim, 10km Bike, 2.5km Run) at Eton Dor­ney Lake on Saturday.

As a result Gor­don has been select­ed to rep­re­sent Great Britain at the Euro­pean Triathlon Relays to be held in Por­tu­gal at the end of August.

Well done Gor­don from all at City of Leeds Swim­ming Club.

Report: NER BAGCAT Championships 2010

Posted on 9 June 2010

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all swim­mers who com­pet­ed at NER BAG­CATS over the week­end. There were some fan­tas­tic per­for­mances that result­ed in 21 Medals, 63 Finals Swims as well as Life Time Bests and Nation­al Qual­i­fy­ing times. 

Gold (10)

Daniel Stan­way, Freya Resendez (2), Blake Ben­nett, Rebekah Bir­rell (2), James Thomp­son, Samuel Bloom, Chloe Adams, Amy Light 

Sil­ver (6)

Har­ri­son Day, Joanne Simp­son, Rebekah Bir­rell, Freya Resendez Girls 4x200 freestyle Team (Amy Light, Kather­ine Fish­er, Rebekah Bir­rell, Nico­la Gra­ham) Girls 4x100 freestyle Team (Nico­la Gra­ham, Rebekah Bir­rell, Lin­da Shaw, Amy Light) 

Bronze (5)

Fred­dy Hoban, Dou­glas Walk­er, Freya Resendez, James Thomp­son, Kather­ine Fisher 


Adam Smith, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady, Chris Green­wood, Ben Tay­lor-Walsh, Jacob Sed­don, Will Steven­son, Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw, Richard Maw­son, Daniel Hall, Boys 4x200 freestyle Team, Boys 4x100 freestyle Team 

Graham Selected for World Championships Team

Posted on 21 May 2010

A belat­ed con­grat­u­la­tions to Emma Gra­ham, who on the 8th May com­pet­ed in the 10k at the LEN Open Water Cup in Eilat, Israel. Fin­ish­ing as the high­est placed junior in 6th place, and only 2 min­utes behind Olympic Cham­pi­on Ker­ri-Anne Payne, she secured selec­tion for the 14th FINA World Cham­pi­onships in Canada!

Emma is also set to rep­re­sent Great Britain at the Euro­pean Open Water Cham­pi­onships and Euro­pean Junior Open Water Cham­pi­onships lat­er in the year.

Well done Emma from all at City of Leeds SC!

City of Leeds regain Yorkshire Bank Trophy

Posted on 8 February 2010

After a thrilling week­end, City of Leeds regained the top senior team tro­phy at the British Gas spon­sored York­shire SA Senior/​Junior Cham­pi­onships at the Aquat­ics Cen­tre, JCCS