Final Club Shop of the Year

Posted on 6 December 2017

The final club shop of this year will be Mon­day 18 Decem­ber until it reopens on Mon­day 15 Jan­u­ary. Please ensure you have caps, gog­gles etc. for our New Year meet on 6 & 7 Jan­u­ary 2018.

Cur­rent­ly, the club shop does not have the facil­i­ty to accept card pay­ments for kit, club fees etc. but can process cash or cheques. Apolo­gies for any incon­ve­nience this may cause.

Youngsters Claim Title at Junior League Grand Final

Posted on 27 November 2017

The team return from Cor­by tri­umphant after win­ning the Junior League Grand Final for the fifth time.

Well done to all swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League and ensured City of Leeds came out on top in all 3 rounds. The Grand Final was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun, and it was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. Out of 49 races, City of Leeds bagged 28 1st place fin­ish­es, which helped us claim over­all vic­to­ry over sec­ond placed Guild­ford by just 10 points! An out­stand­ing per­for­mance by all.

Spe­cial men­tion to Daniel Ran­som (9 yrs) and Anna Ashcroft (10 yrs) who received top boy and girl awards respec­tive­ly for their per­for­mances in the indi­vid­ual events, some of which were meet records.

Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went in to sup­port­ing the team; you were all excel­lent, you looked good and it real­ly helped to moti­vate the swimmers.

Well done to the swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

Final stand­ings

  1. City of Leeds 330
  2. Guild­ford 320 
  3. Stock­port Metro 223
  4. Cam­den Swiss Cot­tage 211
  5. Der­by 177
  6. South­port 168
  7. Tynemouth 165
  8. Leices­ter Sharks 152

Meet records set

Event Name Time
Girls 9 yrs 4x25m Freestyle Relay  Gabrielle Idle-Beavers, Char­lotte Shaw, Han­nah Smith, Emma Wood  1:01.66
Boys 9 yrs 4x25m Freestyle Relay  Aniel Ran­som, Jacob Tal­bot, Arthur Firth, Oliv­er Brompton  1:00.14
Boys 10 yrs 4x25m Freestyle Relay  Kourosh Kho­dakhah, Thomas Mil­ner, Har­ry Senior, Theodore Rosenberg  59.08
Girls 9 yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay  Evie Har­ris, Gabrielle Idle-Beavers, Han­nah Smith, Emma Wood  1:11.77
Boys 9 yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay  Jacob Tal­bot, Daniel Ren­som, Oliv­er Bromp­ton, Matthew Just  1:11.44
Boys 9 yrs 50m Breaststroke  Daniel Ransom  41.65
Boys 9 yrs 50m Backstroke  Daniel Ransom  36.94
Girls 10 yrs 50m Butterfly  Anna Ashcroft  33.26
Boys 9 yrs 25m Butterfly  Oliv­er Brompton  16.31

City of Leeds Junior League History

Year Place Points
2017  1st  330
2016  2nd  282 
2015  3rd  254 
2014  6th  192 
2013  1st  301 
2012  1st  321 
2011  1st  321 
2010  1st  322 

Important Notice Regarding 2018 Membership Fees

Posted on 13 November 2017

As a result of Swim Eng­land bring­ing for­ward the dead­line for renewals by a month to make sure that clubs and mem­bers are prop­er­ly insured for the activ­i­ties they are tak­ing part in, we have made the deci­sion to bring the sub­mis­sion of the renewals dead­line for­ward to 28 Feb­ru­ary for 2018.

As before, fail­ure to pay by mid Feb­ru­ary will result in your swim­mer being lapsed from the ASA reg­is­ter and there­fore unable to com­pete. To sub­se­quent­ly rein­state will incur a re-reg­is­tra­tion fee of £25.00 in addi­tion to the nor­mal fees so please be aware of these changes and make sure fees are paid on time.

Details of fees for 2018 will fol­low in the usu­al way by means of an attach­ment to an e‑mail which will be dis­trib­uted mid December.

John Clay­ton
Reg­is­tra­tion and Mem­ber­ship Secretary

NER Senior/Junior Winter Championships Results Summary

Posted on 8 November 2017

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Matthew Lyons (2), Cia­ra Schlosshan (2), Lay­la Black, Rebec­ca Clynes Leah Crisp, Sophie Hob­bah, Char­lotte Robin­son, Tia Ward


Dal­ton Clapham, Rebec­ca Clynes, Leah Crisp, Matthew Lyons, Char­lotte Robin­son, Cia­ra Schlosshan, Tia Ward, Wom­ens 4 x 200 Freestyle Relay


Sophie Hob­bah (2), Lay­la Black, Rebec­ca Clynes, Kee­lan Fit­ton, Jonathon Mil­ner, Char­lotte Robin­son, Ethan Sut­cliffe, Tia Ward, Wom­ens 4 x 100 Med­ley Relay

Top 10

Jonathon Mil­ner (5), Tia Ward (5), Char­lotte Robin­son (4), Jake Sykes (4), Liam Bir­rell (3), Jacob But­ter­field (3), Rebec­ca Clynes (3), Vik­to­ria Gnandt (3), Abi­gail Jack (3), Maisy Black (2), Leah Crisp (2), Wom­ens 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay (2), Lay­la Black, Kee­lan Fit­ton, Ella Potts, Myles Stirk, Mens 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay, Wom­ens 4 x 100 Med­ley Relay, Wom­ens 4 x 200 Freestyle Relay, Mens 4 x 100 Med­ley Relay

NER Age Group Winter Championships Results Summary

Posted on 8 November 2017

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Isabelle Good­win (2), Olivia Hiday­at, Freya John­son


Iona Logan (4), Rebec­ca Dunn (2), Megan Sharp, Lara Thom­son, Elliott Watkins, Isla Williams


Iona Logan (2), Sasha Long (2), Melis­sa Moor­house (2), Rebec­ca Dunn, Mol­lie Greene, Freya John­son, Lara Thom­son, Amelie Turn­er, Elliott Watkins

Top 10

Freya John­son (8), Jolie McG­reavy (7), Leah Schlosshan (7), Megan Sharp (7), Lara Thom­son (6), Elliot Watkins (6, Niamh Car­roll (5), Isabelle Good­win (5), Iona Logan (5), Har­ry Mil­ner (5), Melis­sa Moor­house (5), Ben Shel­ton (5), Lau­ren Smith (4), Isla Williams (4), Louis Ain­ley (3), Kidi­est Hodg­son (3), Joshua Sut­cliffe (3), Martha Callaghan (2), James Robin­son (2), Amelie Turn­er (2), Rebec­ca Dunn, Martha Everett, Mol­lie Greene, Olivia Hiday­at, Dominic Math­ias, Eliz­a­beth Russell

Yorkshire Winter Championships Results Summary

Posted on 8 November 2017

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Myles Stirk (4), Isabelle Good­win (3), Ben Shel­ton (3), Tia Ward (3), Lay­la Black (2), Rebec­ca Clynes (2), Thomas Jack­son (2), Daniel Ran­som (2), Anna Ashcroft, Oliv­er Bromp­ton, Martha Everett, Olivia Hiday­at, Sophie Hob­bah, Kourosh Kho­dakhah, Ella Potts, Akal S. Rehal, Char­lotte Robin­son, Cia­ra Schlosshan, Elliott Watkins, Matthew Yeo­mans


Cia­ra Schlosshan (5), Isabelle Good­win (3), Isla Williams (3), Anna Ashcroft (2), Ella Coop­er (2), Martha Everett (2), Kidi­est Hodg­son (2), Gabrielle Idle-Beavers (2), Thomas Jack­son (2), Matthew Lyons (2), Char­lotte Robin­son (2), Tia Ward (2), Martha Callaghan, Kee­lan Fit­ton, Sophie Hob­bah, Joseph Lev­i­son, Iona logan, Ella Potts, Daniel Ran­som, Akal S. Rehal, Ben Shel­ton, Han­nah Smith, Lau­ren Smith, Myles Stirk, Mil­lie Williams, Emma Wood


Alex Dunn (3), Kee­lan Fit­ton (3), Ella Coop­er (2), Isabelle Good­win (2), Sophie Hob­bah (2), Akal S. Rehal (2), Cia­ra Schlosshan (2), Ben Shel­ton (2), Oliv­er Bromp­ton, Martha Callaghan, Rebec­ca Clynes, Martha Everett, Arthur Firth, Vik­to­ria Gnandt, Mol­lie Greene, Kidi­est Hodg­son, Iona Logan, Hol­ly Mac­don­ald, Daniel Ran­som, Char­lotte Robin­son, Alice Under­wood, Isla Williams

Top 10

Martha Callaghan (7), Leah Crisp (7), Har­ry Mil­ner (6), Jonathon Mil­ner (6), Char­lotte Shaw (6), Louis Ain­ley (5), Martha Everett (5), Vik­to­ria Gnandt (5), Akal S. Rehal (5), Char­lotte Robin­son (5), Zak Sto­lars­ki (5), Matthew Yeo­mans (5), Kidi­est Hodg­son (4), Freya John­son (4), Matthew Lyons (4), Ruby Palmer (4), Ella Potts (4), Amelie Turn­er (4), Tia Ward (4), Isla Williams (4), Jamie Broome (3), Dal­ton Clapham (3), Rebec­ca Clynes (3), Gabrielle Idle-Beavers (3), Abi­gail Jack (3), Thomas Jack­son (3), James Robin­son (3), Oliv­er Steele (3), Myles Stirk (3), Anna Ashcroft (2), Pheanie Banks (2), Liam Bir­rell (2), Faith Blain (2), Philip­pa Brom­ley (2), Nathan Dulay (2), Alex Dunn (2), Kee­lan Fit­ton (2), George Knowles (2), Joseph Lev­i­son (2), Iona Logan (2), Sasha Long (2), Dominic Math­ias (2), Jolie McG­reavy (2), Kas­ja Rick­le­ton (2), Leah Schlosshan (2), Har­ry Senior (2), Megan Sharp (2), Lau­ren Smith (2), Jake Sykes (2), Jacob Tal­bot (2), Alice Under­wood (2), Elliott Watkins (2), Mil­lie Williams (2), Emma Wood (2), Chloe Agar, Megan Bell­house-Smith, Maisy Black, George Brooks, Megan Bur­nell, Niamh Car­roll, Char­lotte Clarke, Mis­cha Com­rie, Ella Coop­er, Phoebe Daw­son, Ash­ton Dees, Lucia Dun­hill, Arthur Firth, Jacob Good­i­son, Mol­lie Greene, Evie Har­ris, Olivia Hiday­at, Jad Idris, Matthew Just, Kourosh Kho­dakhah, Jake Lam­bert, Hol­ly Mac­don­ald, Thomas Mil­ner, Evie Mur­doch, Ava Ran­some, Theodore Rosen­berg, Ben Shel­ton, Han­nah Smith, Isabel Sykes, Jes­si­ca Wid­dow­son, Adam Wood

Abbie Hollyoake Claims World Biathle Silver

Posted on 4 November 2017

Hav­ing secured her place in the Team GB squad by fin­ish­ing in the top 5 at the British Nation­al Biath­le Cham­pi­onships, Abbie won a sil­ver medal in the Biath­le under 19 cat­e­go­ry at the World Biath­le and Triath­le Cham­pi­onships in Viveiro, Spain.

Biath­le con­sists of a con­tin­u­ous run (1600m), swim (200m), run (1600m), and after com­plet­ing the first run, Abbie entered the water in 10th place. A strong swim saw Abbie start the final run in 4th place, before mov­ing fur­ther through the strong field of 22 ath­letes to claim a sil­ver medal the under 19 age group category.

Coun­tries rep­re­sent­ed in the race includ­ed South Africa, Great Britain, Egypt, Kaza­khstan, Czech Repub­lic, France, India, Por­tu­gal and Spain. The points from each coun­try in the race were added togeth­er to cre­ate a team result, where Abbie also gained anoth­er sil­ver medal as part of the GB team.

Over­all, the GB team, which con­sist­ed of 104 ath­letes, secured 16 indi­vid­ual, 17 team and 8 relay medals across both the Biath­le and Triath­le disciplines.

Well done Abbie from all at City of Leeds!

New FINA Rule Changes Come into Force

Posted on 5 October 2017

A num­ber of FINA rule changes came into force on 2 Octo­ber 2017, some of which are changes to stroke require­ments, includ­ing the pro­hi­bi­tion of under­wa­ter kick­ing on one’s side dur­ing Butterfly.

We’ve list­ed the most notable updates, along with the PDF issued by Offi­cials News, which doc­u­ments all rule changes in full.

2017 – 2021 FINA Swim­ming Rules Update [PDF90 KB]

Key extracts from the PDF relat­ed to each stroke are detailed below. New word­ing is shown in bold let­ter­ing and dele­tions by a strikethrough.

Should any­body require any fur­ther clar­i­fi­ca­tion please speak to licensed ref­er­ees David Broome and/​or Walt Taylor.


SW 7.1

After the start and after each turn, the swim­mer may take one arm stroke com­plete­ly back to the legs dur­ing which the swim­mer may be sub­merged. At any time pri­or to the first Breast­stroke kick after the start and after each turn a sin­gle but­ter­fly kick is per­mit­ted. The head must break the sur­face of the water before the hands turn inward at the widest part of the sec­ond stroke.

SW 7.4

Dur­ing each com­plete cycle, some part of the swimmer’s head must break the sur­face of the water. The head must break the sur­face of the water before the hands turn inward at the widest part of the sec­ond stroke. All move­ments of the legs shall be simul­ta­ne­ous and on the same hor­i­zon­tal plane with­out alter­nat­ing movement.


SW 8.1

From the begin­ning of the first arm stroke after the start and each turn, the body shall be kept on the breast, under­wa­ter kick­ing on the side is allowed. It is not per­mit­ted to roll onto the back at any time, except at the turn after the touch of the wall where it is per­mis­si­ble to turn in any man­ner as long as the body is on the breast when leav­ing the wall.

Med­ley Swimming

SW 9.2(New)

In Freestyle, the swim­mer must be on the breast except when exe­cut­ing a turn. The Swim­mer must return to the breast before any kick or stroke.

SW 9.3

In med­ley relay events, swim­mers will cov­er the four swim­ming strokes in the fol­low­ing order: Back­stroke, Breast­stroke, But­ter­fly and Freestyle. Each of the strokes must cov­er one quar­ter (1/4) of the distance.

Sixth Northern Final Triumph in Tynemouth

Posted on 4 October 2017

A fan­tas­tic day of rac­ing saw the City of Leeds crowned win­ners of the Nation­al Junior League North­ern Final.

A whop­ping 28 first place fin­ish­es helped us claim our sixth vic­to­ry in the North­ern Final, adding to the titles we won in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2016.

Thank you to all the par­ents who came along on the sup­port­ers’ bus and cheered for our team. We hope you all had fun!

Thank you to Kim Math­ias and Kay Jack­son for their fan­tas­tic team man­ag­ing, and also David Broome and Ian Jack­son for their help on the day.

Good luck to City of Leeds, Stock­port Metro, South­port and Tynemouth who all progress to the Nation­al Final on 26th Novem­ber in Cor­by. Our team for this will be announced soon, but in the mean­time, we’re back to hard train­ing and prepar­ing to put up a fight in the winter.

Well done every­one! We’re very proud of you all.

Meet Report: Welsh Summer National Championships 2017

Posted on 7 August 2017

Well done to all the swim­mers who com­pet­ed at the Welsh Sum­mer Nation­als held in Swansea. The trip was a bril­liant suc­cess with lots of fast swim­ming, and a great expe­ri­ence for those swim­mers who were away from home for the first time.

The team achieved 31 medals (3 gold, 12 sil­ver, 16 bronze) and 77 final swims (61 swims were swum faster in the final, which is a 79% con­ver­sion rate).

Over­all, there were 341 per­son­al best per­for­mances out of 454 swims, which is a PB rate of 75%!

A spe­cial men­tion to the fol­low­ing swim­mers for achiev­ing the most final swims in the girl’s and boy’s events respectively:

  • Lara Thom­son – 14 finals
  • Ben Shel­ton – 13 finals

Awe­some swim­ming! A great way to fin­ish off the season.

A big thank you to the Welsh Sum­mer Nation­als Team 2017 who did an amaz­ing job over the past week and made this trip possible.

Be sure to check out all the pho­tos.


Victory at White Rose Junior League Secures Northern Final Place

Posted on 9 July 2017

Con­grat­u­la­tions to our Junior League teams, who fin­ished 1st and 5th in the White Rose League on Sat­ur­day morn­ing. The A’ Team have pro­gressed to the North­ern Area Final with a con­vinc­ing win, which includ­ed 23 1st place fin­ish­es. They won by a mas­sive 76 points!

Many thanks to the coach­es, team man­agers and offi­cials who vol­un­tar­i­ly gave up their time to sup­port the teams.

White Rose Junior League Team Announced

Posted on 30 May 2017

A’ and B’ teams have been select­ed for the White Rose Junior League com­pe­ti­tion to be held on Sat­ur­day 8 July at John Charles Cen­tre for Sport. Please con­firm your avail­abil­i­ty to Kevin Schofield no lat­er than Fri­day 16 June. Click through for more info on the day. 

A’ Team Squad List [PDF, 44 KB]
B’ Team Squad List [PDF, 44 KB]

Warm-up starts at 9:00am, but please ensure you arrive by 8:30am.

Age is cal­cu­lat­ed as at 31st Decem­ber 2017, except those who will com­pete as 9yrs. This age group is cal­cu­lat­ed as at 26th Novem­ber 2017 (the date of the Grand Final).

All those who have been select­ed for this com­pe­ti­tion must attend in full team kit. Please also ensure that chil­dren have enough snacks/​drinks as all chil­dren must remain on pool­side, to sup­port the rest of the team, until the end of the com­pe­ti­tion (approx. 13:00 fin­ish time).

You must con­firm your child’s avail­abil­i­ty, via e‑mail to our Junior League Team Leader, Kevin Schofield (kevin.​schofield@​leeds.​gov.​uk), no lat­er than Fri­day 16th June 2017.

NER Age Group Championships Results Summary

Posted on 30 May 2017

Well done to every­one who com­pet­ed hard over the last cou­ple of week­ends and brought home over 40 medals from the region­al age group championships.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Tia Ward (9), Char­lotte Robin­son (4) Akal Rehal (2), Matthew Lyons (1)


Akal Rehal (2), Char­lotte Robin­son (2), Lara Thom­son (2), Rebec­ca Dunn (1), Isabelle Good­win (1), Ethan Sut­cliffe (1), Jes­si­ca Teale (1), Tia Ward (1)


Dal­ton Clapham (2), Emilio Pani­agua-Gutier­rez (2), Akal Rehal (2), Rebec­ca Dunn (1), Isabelle Good­win (1), Matthew Lyons (1), Char­lotte Robin­son (1), Megan Sharp (1), Ben Shel­ton (1), Ethan Sut­cliffe (1), Lara Thom­son (1)

Top 10

Lara Thom­son (10), Ella Potts (9), Isabelle Good­win (8), Freya John­son (8), Jolie McG­reavy (7), Ella Coop­er (6), Ben Shel­ton (6), Louis Ain­ley (5), Dal­ton Clapham (5), Kidi­est Hodg­son (5), Har­ry Mil­ner (5), Joshua Rid­ing (4), Char­lotte Robin­son (4), Leah Schlosshan (4), Amelie Turn­er (4), Phoebe Daw­son (3), Olivia Hiday­at (3), Akal Rehal (3), Joshua Sut­cliffe, Elliot Watkins (3), Stephanie Wellings (3), Niamh Car­roll (2), Sasha Long (2), Matthew Lyons (2), Ethan Sut­cliffe (2), Tia Ward (2), Char­lotte Clarke (1), Rebec­ca Dunn (1), Hen­ry Firth (1), Iona Logan (1) Dominic Math­ias (1), Emilio Pani­agua-Gutier­rez (1), Rhys Rid­di­ford (1), James Robin­son (1), Megan Sharp (1), Lau­ren Smith (1), Jes­si­ca Teale (1)

NER Youth & Senior Championships Results Summary

Posted on 30 May 2017

Well done to every­one who com­pet­ed hard over the last cou­ple of week­ends and brought home almost 30 medals from the region­al youth and senior championships.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Leah Crisp (2), Cia­ra Schlosshan (2) Amelia Clynes (1), Rebec­ca Clynes (1), Sophie Hob­bah (1), Myles Stirk (1), Jake Sykes (1)


Myles Stirk (5), Jonathon Mil­ner (3), Leah Crisp (1), Sophie Hob­bah (1), Cia­ra Schlosshan (1)


Sophie Hob­bah (2), Cia­ra Schlosshan (2), Liam Bir­rell (1), Lay­la Black (1), Jacob But­ter­field (1), Rebec­ca Clynes (1), Jonathon Mil­ner (1)

Top 10

Liam Bir­rell (5), Leah Crisp (4), Abi­gail Jack (4), Richard Maw­son (4), Sophie Hob­bah (3), Rebec­ca Clynes (2), Vik­to­ria Gnandt (2), Jake Lam­bert (2), Ruby Palmer (2), Joe Stott (2), Jake Sykes (2), Matthew Yeo­mans (2), Sha­heen Algho­fari (1), Maisy Black (1), Amelia Clynes (1), Mag­dale­na Cygan (1), Thomas Jack­son (1), Kather­ine Rus­sell (1)

National Qualifier Meet Entries Notice

Posted on 18 March 2017

Update 22/03/17: The rejec­tion list and a draft pro­gramme is now avail­able to down­load on the Nation­al Qual­i­fi­er Meet 2017 page.

Dur­ing the last few days lead­ing up to the 10th March clos­ing date, we had a huge influx of entries. Because of this, a large num­ber of entries will need to be reject­ed to ensure that the com­pe­ti­tion fits with­in the licenc­ing lim­its. We regret that this is tak­ing some time, but as soon as the list of rejec­tions is com­plete, it will be post­ed on our website.

Thank You Parkrunners!

Posted on 6 March 2017

Well done and thank you to every­one who took part in the Parkrun on Sat­ur­day morn­ing to raise mon­ey for the club. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Important Change to Meet Refund Policy

Posted on 27 February 2017

All refund pay­ments will now be made to the Trea­sur­er of the vis­it­ing swim­ming club in ques­tion. Indi­vid­ual pay­ments will no longer be made. For this rea­son, please ensure that bank details for your swim­ming club are pro­vid­ed at the time of enter­ing any City of Leeds SC competition.

Join us for a 5K Parkrun

Posted on 1 February 2017

Update 28/02/17: We will be meet­ing at the pool for 08:30 or at Cross Flatts Park just before 09:00. Please make sure to wear your City of Leeds T‑shirts!

9am on Sat­ur­day 4th March at Cross Flatts Park.

It’s time for you to dust off those train­ers and show the kids what we’re made of. Whether you want to be super speedy, jog, plod or walk with the dog, join us and raise mon­ey for the club. 

You can get your spon­sor form from Helen or Lucie at the club night bookstall.

Before tak­ing part, you’ll need to reg­is­ter for free on the Parkrun web­site . Also note that chil­dren tak­ing part aged 11 and under must be accom­pa­nied by an adult.