Triumph at National Junior League Final

Posted on 26 November 2024

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League 2024. After win­ning the White Rose leg of the com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fy­ing for the final, our swim­mers came out the strongest and were crowned the Nation­al Junior League cham­pi­ons for the sixth time in a row.

Leeds now holds the record for the longest streak of wins in the com­pe­ti­tion since it start­ed in 1979. It cer­tain­ly was an excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun. It was great to see you all sup­port­ing each oth­er and work­ing togeth­er as a team. City of Leeds came out on top with 33 first place fin­ish­es. An excel­lent team effort, WELL DONE.

A big thank you to all the sup­port­ers amongst oth­ers who pro­vid­ed all the hats and flags etc. Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went in to sup­port­ing the team, you were all excel­lent, you looked great, and it real­ly helped moti­vate the swimmers.

Best Female in Age Group

12 Years – Rosie Brogden 

Meet Record

9 Yrs 4x25m Med­ley Relay = 1:11.81
(Reuben Bark­er, Noah Bed­ford-Collins, Adam Mohammed, Cal­lum Young) 

Can­non Tro­phy Win­ners 2024

City of Leeds vic­to­ry was the prod­uct of an excel­lent team per­for­mance and out­stand­ing sup­port, with our colour­ful and vocal sup­port­ers cheer­ing the team all the way. Well done to swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

A Team Above All. And Above All A TEAM.”

City of Leeds Junior League History


Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting

Posted on 23 September 2024

All mem­bers and par­ents are invit­ed to attend the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club at 18:30 on the 21st Octo­ber in the Deni­son Suite.

Any pro­pos­als for change to the rules to be con­sid­ered at the AGM must be received in writ­ing by the Hon­orary Secretary.

Nom­i­na­tions are invit­ed for both offi­cer ship and sup­port­er mem­bers of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee and should be sub­mit­ted to the Hon­orary Sec­re­tary. Nom­i­na­tion forms are avail­able from the Club Chair­man and must have the sig­na­tures of the nom­i­nee, pro­pos­er and sec­on­der and all must be paid up mem­bers of the Club.

Please make every effort to attend the above meet­ing. This is your Club and the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear from the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee about devel­op­ments dur­ing the year and to put for­ward thoughts you may have about the future run­ning of the Club or the way it is managed.


  1. Chair­man’s Address
  2. Apolo­gies for Absence
  3. Min­utes of the 2023 Meet­ing held on the 16th October
  4. Hon­orary Sec­re­tary’s Report
  5. Hon­orary Trea­sur­er’s Report
  6. Chief Coach’s Report
  7. Swim Mark Report
  8. Elec­tion of Officers
  9. Change of Rule (see sep­a­rate paper)
  10. Fees for 2025
  11. Any Oth­er Busi­ness relat­ing to the above

Gen­er­al Information

In accor­dance with the Club rules, only paid-up mem­bers of the Club aged 16 and over will be allowed to vote at the AGM Asso­ciate Mem­bers are invit­ed to attend the meet­ing but will not be allowed to vote.

Any­one requir­ing nom­i­na­tion forms please con­tact the Chair­man Rod War­dle at rjw1062@​aol.​co.​uk.

Anna Chees­brough
Hon­orary Secretary

Mona Denison

Posted on 7 June 2024

Leeds City Coun­cil and City of Leeds Swim­ming Club have been informed of the pass­ing of Mona Deni­son, wife of for­mer Head Coach Ter­ry Deni­son, on Fri­day 31st May, after a peri­od of illness.

Ter­ry & Mona were for­ev­er by one anoth­er’s side and were fun­da­men­tal in the suc­cess of the City of Leeds SC and the Coun­cil run pro­gramme for almost three decades, from the 1970’s onwards, that saw a pro­duc­tion line of Olympians and British record hold­ers being pro­duced, lead­ing to Adri­an Moore­house­’s Olympic Gold in Seoul in 1988. Mona Assist­ed Ter­ry for many year on the Nation­al Senior Squad and was an impor­tant part of the suc­cess Leeds achieved.

Our very wish­es to Ter­ry and Michael at this time.

Mon­a’s funer­al ser­vice will be held on Thurs­day 20th June 2024, at 10.45am in Cot­tin­g­ley Hall Cre­ma­to­ri­um, Ring Road, Leeds, LS11 0EU.

Victory at White Rose Junior League

Posted on 3 June 2024

What an excit­ing morn­ing of com­pe­ti­tion at the Annu­al White Rose Junior League on Saturday.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to our City of Leeds A & B Team who fin­ished 1st & 3rd. The City of Leeds A team tri­umphed with 382 points. The A Team will now progress through to the Nation­al Final. Leeds A had a amaz­ing 45 1st places. The B Team (310) fought with Sheffield (314) all the way through to the end and came an over­all third in the com­pe­ti­tion. Well done everyone.

The next round of the Junior League is the Grand Final which will be held on Sun­day 24th Novem­ber at Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Pool, Northamp­ton. This is our thir­teenth year in the com­pe­ti­tion win­ning four years in a row (20102013) and claim­ing the title back again (2017 – 2019, 2022 – 2023). It would be great to secure the tro­phy back in Leeds again by win­ning the Grand Final for anoth­er year.

Young Leader Profile – 'Why I Swim' by Robyn

Posted on 2 March 2024

I start­ed learn­ing to swim when I was five years old at Atlantis Swim­ming School. I start­ed swim­ming lessons with school at my local pool. At one ses­sion, a City of Leeds Swim­ming Club coach attend­ed and observed every­one. I was invit­ed to a tri­al for a place in the Stage 8 Group, was accept­ed and I began train­ing 3 times a week on evenings and com­pet­ed in short races at Devel­op­ment Galas every now and again.

A year lat­er, I was told I was being pro­mot­ed into a big­ger squad which was a part of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club called Region­al Fast Track. Since then, I have been pro­mot­ed 3 times and I now train 8 times a week in the pool, with one ses­sion on land and com­pete at region­al lev­el, aim­ing towards National.

Swim­ming is enjoy­able for three reasons:

Com­mu­ni­ty: In a swim club, you are sur­round­ed with kind and sup­port­ive coach­es and amaz­ing friends. Per­son­al­ly, I enjoy com­pe­ti­tions because I get to spend the week­end with my friends, and we get to cheer each oth­er on when racing.

Life-skills: In swim­ming you gain many skills: You learn resilience, nutri­tion, self-con­fi­dence, self-con­trol, respect, reflec­tion, inde­pen­dence and motivation.

Health: Swim­ming is a fan­tas­tic sport to keep fit and healthy by exer­cis­ing and it is a great way to release endor­phins, which inter­act with your brain and reduces stress.

Why swim­ming helps me in my life:

  • Resilience is built when you expe­ri­ence those moments when you become so tired you feel like quit­ting but don’t.
  • Being a part of the club pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make life-long friendships.
  • Reg­u­lar train­ing builds discipline.
  • You learn to work with oth­ers and to be a proud sup­port­ive and kind team member.
  • You learn to deal with dis­ap­point­ment when you don’t do as well in a race as you would have liked.
  • You make and accom­plish goals.
  • You learn to be patient when improve­ments in your swim­ming don’t come as quick­ly as you’d like.
  • You learn to enjoy cel­e­brat­ing suc­cess and col­lect­ing medals
  • I have gained expe­ri­ence in train­ing, com­pe­ti­tions and I have also assist­ed coach­ing in ses­sions with younger swim­mers as a part of my Duke of Edin­burgh Award. I am very out­spo­ken and con­fi­dent to always give me opin­ion. I com­plet­ed the Young Leader Aquat­ic Helper Train­ing to help with my development.

I have since joined the Swim Eng­land North East Region Youth Forum because I love swim­ming and I would love the oppor­tu­ni­ty to give back to the sport by tak­ing part in the youth forum. I would like to gain more expe­ri­ence in vol­un­teer­ing, team­work and lead­er­ship. I would love to rep­re­sent my sport as I believe that I have been ded­i­cat­ed to swim­ming for many years and I would be a good representative.

Any young per­son inter­est­ed in young leader oppor­tu­ni­ties should con­tact swimnortheast@​swimming.​org.