New Year Meet Rescheduled for this Sunday

Posted on 8 January 2025

Hel­lo all,

We hope you’re well.

Great news! We have been work­ing hard in the back­ground to move the can­celled New Year meet from Sun­day to this week­end, Sun­day 12th Jan­u­ary and it’s look­ing like we will have enough staff to cov­er the key areas. All events and entries are as published.

The only down­side is that we do not have the use of the dive pit facil­i­ty for warm up and cool down until 12:00pm.

We appre­ci­ate that it’s short notice and that you may have oth­er things booked in so we will of course hon­our any with­drawals. If you are UNABLE to attend on Sun­day, please email leedsentries@​gmail.​com with the swim­mers names and which events they are with­draw­ing from. We will then be able to process a refund for you. It may work bet­ter for you guys if you ask the par­ents to email us direct­ly and copy your­selves in? As the meet is going ahead, we will need to with­draw swim­mers from the Sport­sys File indi­vid­u­al­ly so swift respons­es would be very much appreciated.

We will also need vol­un­teers to ensure the smooth run­ning of the event, pre­dom­i­nant­ly any time­keep­ers or offi­cials. If any­one is able to help, please email anna.​darnell79@​gmail.​com.

Last­ly, thanks all for your under­stand­ing, it real­ly is appreciated.

Speak soon,
Leeds Entries Team