Be an Announcer

Posted on 10 November 2016

We are cur­rent­ly look­ing for vol­un­teer announc­ers for meets at the John Charles Cen­tre. If you are inter­est­ed, please come down to club night and speak to Vic­ki Spencer, who will pro­vide more details.

NER Age Group Championships Results Summary

Posted on 31 May 2016

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Tia Ward (5), Rebec­ca Clynes (4), Ella Bard­gett, Ella Cow­an, Anous­ka Dress­er, Char­lotte Robin­son, Kather­ine Rus­sell, Mil­lie Tate, Jes­si­ca Teale, Joshua Riding


Char­lotte Robin­son (4), Ruby Palmer (2), Dal­ton Clapham (2), Tia Ward, Rebec­ca Clynes, Ella Bard­gett, Joshua Rid­ing, Char­lotte Gibbs, Matthew Lyons


Char­lotte Robin­son (2), Ruby Palmer (2), Joshua Rid­ing (2), Rebec­ca Clynes, Ella Bard­gett, Char­lotte Gibbs, Matthew Lyons, Ella Cow­an, Mil­lie Tate, Paris Gre­nier, Ella Potts, Har­ry Mil­ner, Akal Rehal, Ethan Sutcliffe

Top 10

Akal Rehal (10), Matthew Lyons (7), Louis Ain­ley (7), Ruby Palmer (6), Paris Gre­nier (6), Eleanor How­croft (6), Ella Cow­an (5), Dal­ton Clapham (5), Char­lotte Robin­son (4), Joshua Rid­ing (4), Har­ry Mil­ner (4), Ella Potts (4), Ethan Sut­cliffe (4), Kather­ine Rus­sell (4), Maisy Black (4), Isabelle Good­win (4), Hen­ry Williams (4) Ben Shel­ton (3), Phoebe Daw­son (3), Jack Maskill (3), Emilio Pani­agua-Gutier­rez (3), Ella Bard­gett (2), Mil­lie Tate (2), Jes­si­ca Teale (2), Ella Coop­er (2), Jen­na Stott (2), Amelie Turn­er (2), Safwan Shaikh (2), Matthew Yeo­mans (2), Rebec­ca Clynes, Char­lotte Gibbs, Tia Ward, Han­nah Bruce, Niamh Mor­ris, Jen­na Mur­doch, Stephanie Wellings, Joseph Turner

Energy Standard Cup Results Summary

Posted on 6 May 2016

Well done to Sophie Hob­bah, Jes­si­ca Teale and Tia Ward, who col­lec­tive­ly claimed 8 medals for the Eng­land Pro­grammes team in Lig­nano Sab­bidadoro, Italy.

Sophie Hob­bah

BronzeJunior Girls 200m Backstroke2:18.46
4thJunior 4 x 100m freestyle relay59.69 (split)
5thJunior 800m freestyle9:13.05 PB
5thJunior 200IM2:20.55
7thJunior 50m breaststroke35.56

Jes­si­ca Teale

BronzeYouth 200m freestyle2:10.38
BronzeYouth 4 x 100m freestyle relay59.98 (split)
4thYouth mixed 4 x 200m freestyle relay2:13.81
6thYouth 100m freestyle1:00.60
8thYouth 50m freestyle28.43

Tia Ward

GoldYouth 200IM2:21.24
GoldYouth 400IM4:58.40
Sil­verYouth 800m freestyle9:03.05
BronzeYouth 4 x 100m med­ley relay1:07.17 (split)
BronzeYouth 200m backstroke2:18.66
6thYouth 100m backstroke1:06.60

NER Youth & Senior Championships Results Summary

Posted on 4 May 2016

Not con­tent with a fan­tas­tic Olympic Tri­als, the team trav­elled to Sheffield last week­end and brought home over 20 medals from the region­al championships.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Geor­gia Coates (5), Amelia Clynes, Cia­ra Schlosshan, Female 14 – 16 yrs relay teams (3), Male 14 – 16 yrs freestyle teams (2)


Daniel Hall, Geor­gia Coates, Amelia Clynes, Lay­la Black, Male 14 – 16 yrs med­ley team


Richard Maw­son, Myles Stirk, Lay­la Black, Geor­gia Coates

Top 10

Leah Crisp (6), Daniel Hall (4), Cia­ra Schlosshan (4), Amber Mason (3), Euan Cow­an (3), Jacob But­ter­field (2), Jonathon Mil­ner (2), Mag­dale­na Cygan (2), Lay­la Black (2), Myles Stirk (2), Richard Maw­son (2), Abi­gail Jack, Vik­to­ria Gnandt, Thomas Jackson

Georgia Coates Selected For Rio 2016

Posted on 27 April 2016

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Geor­gia Coates, who has been select­ed to rep­re­sent Team GB at this sum­mer’s Olympic Games. Geor­gia is the youngest mem­ber of the 26-strong squad at just 17 years old.

A huge well done to Geor­gia, and every­one at the club who has made this dream pos­si­ble. The hard work begins now!

Geor­gia Coates 2016 Olympics selec­tion poster [PDF, 108 KB]

Three Swimmers Called Up For European Juniors

Posted on 27 April 2016

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Amelia Clynes, Cia­ra Schlosshan and Lay­la Black, who will rep­re­sent Team GB at this sum­mer’s Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships in Hungary.

This will be Ameli­a’s third and Lay­la’s sec­ond Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships, whilst Cia­ra will make her debut as a GB international.

Well done girls. We are all extreme­ly proud of you.

Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships 2016 selec­tions poster [PDF, 108 KB]

Become a Technical Official

Posted on 24 February 2016

Find out more about upcom­ing train­ing for both untrained and trained offi­cials and who to contact. 

  • We will be pro­vid­ing yet more tech­ni­cal offi­cial train­ing over the com­ing months, ini­tial­ly for the first stage (J1), but also for any­body who wish­es to take the next lev­el J2/J2S train­ing. The ini­tial J1 ses­sion takes approx­i­mate­ly 2 hours depend­ing on num­bers and you can find con­tact details at the end of this article.
  • Walt Tay­lor has a copy of the lat­est USA Offi­cials Train­ing video, which cov­ers all strokes, and we would like to invite all Tech­ni­cal Offi­cials, either qual­i­fied and/​or in train­ing, to view and dis­cuss. ASA North East used these videos at their last sem­i­nar and they are a real­ly use­ful way to under­stand the stroke requirements.
  • Final­ly, a quick reminder that we need to catch-up with those that have start­ed their cours­es (all lev­els) to see what we need to do to get their work­books signed off” and dis­cuss any issues or problems.

Please could we respect­ful­ly request that any­body inter­est­ed in any of the above, con­tact Vic­ki Spencer, David Broome or Walt Tay­lor at any Club Night. We can then arrange dates, ide­al­ly a Club Night, but oth­er days can be con­sid­ered for those unable to make Mon­day nights. 

Updated: Letter From Yorkshire SA Regarding Upcoming Championships

Posted on 18 January 2016

Update (25 Jan 2016): Draft pro­gramme updated. 

Update (21 Jan 2016): Let­ter and rejec­tion lists updat­ed to reflect the decrease in rejec­tions and that all 50m entries have now been accepted. 

Update (20 Jan 2016): Added draft pro­gramme and rejec­tion list below.

The club have received the fol­low­ing let­ter regard­ing changes that have had to be made to this year’s York­shire Cham­pi­onships because of the move to age at 31st Decem­ber. We would advise that all entrants to the afore­men­tioned com­pe­ti­tion read the letter.