Regional Success in Sunderland

Posted on 4 December 2012

Age Group and Senior/​Junior teams rack up a total of 89 medals at the ASA North East Region Championships. 

National Hat-trick for City of Leeds Age Groupers

Posted on 27 November 2012

An out­stand­ing dis­play of team spir­it, com­pet­i­tive swim­ming and a will to win saw our Junior League Squad to vic­to­ry in the ARE­NA Junior Inter-League Grand Final last Sunday. 

Olympic Gold Medallist Duncan Goodhew Pays a Special Visit

Posted on 2 October 2012

The 100m breast­stroke cham­pi­on from the 1980 Moscow Olympics was in the city to pro­vide a coach­ing ses­sion to a group of City of Leeds youngsters.

Olympic gold medal­list swim­mer Dun­can Good­hew paid a spe­cial vis­it to the Aquat­ics Cen­tre at the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport in Leeds. The 100 metre breast­stroke gold medal­list from the 1980 Olympic Games was in the city to pro­vide a coach­ing ses­sion to a group of young City of Leeds Swim­ming Club swim­mers aged eight to 12. The vis­it was a reward for the club recruit­ing the most swim­mers of any club in the coun­try to take part in this year’s char­i­ty Swimath­on Week­end event in April.

After the vis­it, Olympic gold medal­list and Swimath­on Pres­i­dent Dun­can Good­hew said: It was a plea­sure to teach the young peo­ple at the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club. The young swim­mers were put through their paces learn­ing Olympic stroke tech­niques to help them become even faster in the water for Swimath­on 2013. There were some great swim­mers amongst the group and who knows, maybe a future Olympic champion!”

15 Medals at Welsh Summer Nationals

Posted on 1 August 2012

Strong sup­port from team­mates and staff helped bring home 9 gold, 4 sil­ver and 2 bronze medals from Swansea.

A 45 strong team of City of Leeds Swim­mers descend­ed upon the Welsh Nation­al Pool in Swansea on 21st July 2012. There were some remark­able per­for­mances. Life­time Bests fell left, right and centre.

Heads were turned dur­ing finals ses­sions as the horns and voic­es of the whole team of City of Leeds swim­mers and staff over­pow­ered the com­pe­ti­tion to fuel some impres­sive racing.

There were 53 final swims across 6 days of com­pe­ti­tion. Between these final­ists there were 9 gold, 4 sil­ver and 2 bronze medals. Par­tic­u­lar­ly impres­sive was our final­ists’ abil­i­ty to con­vert heat swims into even faster final swims.

Well done to the entire team.

A spe­cial thanks to Lizzie Coombes, Sara East­wood and Emma Fer­ri­man for their hard work and dedication.

Taylor Comes Home From Antwerp With 3 Medals

Posted on 14 July 2012

16-year-old Sophie Tay­lor wins 2 sil­vers and a bronze medal at the Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships in Antwerp, Belgium.

Sophie Tay­lor, who lives in Har­ro­gate and attends Leeds Gram­mar School, qual­i­fied for the Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships at the Olympic Tri­als in March in the 100m & 200m breaststroke.

Sophie was entered by British Swim­ming in the an addi­tion­al event; the 50m breast­stroke, in which she swam a life time best per­for­mance and won a sil­ver medal. Sophie achieved anoth­er life time best in the 200m breast­stroke to earn a bronze medal. In the 100m breast­stroke Sophie came sixth. Sophie was also select­ed for the breast­stroke leg of the 4 x 100m med­ley Team relay where she swam anoth­er life time best in help­ing the team to a sil­ver medal.

The Euro­pean Junior Cham­pi­onships was a great expe­ri­ence for Sophie and she swam fan­tas­ti­cal­ly well. Next week she com­petes in the British Youth Cham­pi­onships in Sheffield where she will be vying to improve her per­for­mances, this time in City of Leeds colours.

Notice to Parents

Posted on 19 June 2012

We urge all par­ents to read the fol­low­ing notice regard­ing pool­side pass­es at swim­ming meets.

It has recent­ly come to our atten­tion that some par­ents have been apply­ing for pool­side pass­es in order to act as unof­fi­cial team man­agers to their swim­mers when enter­ing and attend­ing meets independently.

We should like to make it clear that City of Leeds Swim­ming Club does not con­done nor approve of this prac­tice and kind­ly request par­ents not to apply for pool­side pass­es. If you are act­ing as team man­ag­er on behalf of the club, this will have been nego­ti­at­ed with Rod War­dle pri­or to the event and your pool­side pass will be applied for through the offi­cial channels.

Thank you all for your co-oper­a­tion in this matter.

Pam Smith, Wel­fare Officer
Rod War­dle, Team Man­age­ment Organiser

Another Dominant Performance From Our Age Groupers

Posted on 12 June 2012

City of Leeds swim­mers dom­i­nate the medal table and make 154 appear­ances in finals at the ASA North East Region­al Championships.

The com­pe­ti­tion which extends over a gru­elling two week­ends showed City of Leeds Swim­ming Club’s dom­i­nance of age group swim­ming in the north east.

As well as many swim­mers suc­ceed­ing in achiev­ing nation­al qual­i­fy­ing times, swim­mers made the podi­um on 85 occasions.

The team col­lec­tive­ly achieved 28 bronze medals. 22 sil­ver medals; and a whop­ping 35 gold medals (almost dou­ble the 2nd place team’s gold medal tally).

Evi­dent­ly… A team above all but above all a team.”

Claire Cashmore and Sophie Taylor Earn Team GB Call Ups

Posted on 20 March 2012

At the recent British Cham­pi­onships, Claire qual­i­fied for her third Par­a­lympic Games while Sophie Tay­lor will rep­re­sent Team GB at this sum­mer’s Euro­pean Junior Championships.

Some stel­lar per­for­mances from Par­a­lympic vet­er­an Claire Cash­more at the recent British Cham­pi­onships have qual­i­fied her to swim the 200m IM and 100m breast­stroke at this sum­mer’s Par­a­lympic Games. This will be Claire’s third Par­a­lympics and she hopes to add to the sil­ver and bronze medals she won at the Athens and Bei­jing games. Claire has also been select­ed for the freestyle relay teams at the games.

At the same com­pe­ti­tion, held at the new Olympic Aquat­ic Cen­tre in Lon­don, Sophie took over 1.5 sec­onds off her pre­vi­ous best time to fin­ish 4th in the 100m breast­stroke. She fol­lowed this suc­cess by qual­i­fy­ing for the 200m breast­stroke semi-final a few days lat­er. Though Sophie did not make the final in the 200m, the times she record­ed through­out the meet were good enough to earn qual­i­fi­ca­tion for both the 100m and 200m breast­stroke at the 2012 Euro­pean Junior Championships.

We wish them both every suc­cess this sum­mer and we’ll keep you updat­ed on how they get on.

Leeds Swimmers Light Up Yorkshire Championships With Over 125 Medals

Posted on 29 February 2012

More out­stand­ing per­for­mances at the sec­ond week­end of the 2012 York­shire Coun­ty Cham­pi­onships at the John Charles Centre. 

Of 100 City of Leeds swim­mers who entered the Coun­ty Cham­pi­onships over the 2 week­ends, 76% were ranked in the top 10 in at least 1 event. We end­ed the week­end with a total of 309 Top 10 fin­ish­es and an out­stand­ing 125 Medals. Including: 

  • 53 Gold
  • 39 Sil­ver
  • 33 Bronze

After a bit of maths, this means we made the podi­um in just over 40% of all finals and heat declared win­ner events. 

Fur­ther­more, 40% of City of Leeds com­peti­tors made the podi­um. An out­stand­ing achieve­ment upon which we must now look to cement our dom­i­nance of York­shire at the 50m Cham­pi­onships and York­shire Teams. 

Final­ly, please remem­ber to con­firm your atten­dance for the team events if you haven’t done so already. 

Results – York­shire S.A. Age Group/​Open Cham­pi­onships 2012 Gala 2 [PDF, 242 KB]