New Club Kit Now Available

Posted on 23 October 2022

Fol­low­ing par­ent feed­back and recent sup­ply chain issues with the old kit, the club have made the deci­sion to part ways with Kukri. The price increas­es in addi­tion to length of time to pro­cure the mate­r­i­al has sad­ly made the old kit unviable.

The com­mit­tee has been work­ing hard behind the scenes to secure a new sup­pli­er who will pro­vide a full kit for our swim­mers as well as coach­es, and we are pleased to announce that we have part­nered with Kit­Lock­er. The new kit will all be Nike and can be bought direct­ly through the ded­i­cat­ed COLSC online shop where all pur­chas­es will be sent direct­ly to you. Please fol­low this link:


Kit­Lock­er are a well-estab­lished York­shire com­pa­ny who have pro­vid­ed kit for many grass­roots teams as well as nation­al squads, the most recent of which, The Lioness­es for their win­ning Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship cam­paign. They have an impres­sive set up and we have a ded­i­cat­ed account man­ag­er work­ing with us.

As with the pre­vi­ous kit, the main item that will need to be pur­chased will be the com­pe­ti­tion match tee”. There are sep­a­rate male and female tabs as well as a sup­port­ers tab. The kit for both male and female is near­ly iden­ti­cal how­ev­er we have dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed with the shorts due to fit and leg­gings ver­sus track­suit bot­toms. There are also options on some kit to have ini­tials includ­ed although not essen­tial so up to the swim­mer. Please note that any kit pur­chased with ini­tials, can­not unfor­tu­nate­ly be sent back so siz­ing will need to be right.

We will have sam­ples avail­able soon with­in the club shop so if needs be, swim­mers can try on for siz­ing before pur­chas­ing. How­ev­er, as the kit is Nike, if con­ve­nient, you could try for size at Sports Direct (or sim­i­lar). The shop will still func­tion for sun­dries such as kick­boards, gog­gles etc. on a Mon­day evening as usual.

We appre­ci­ate that there will be a tran­si­tion peri­od between the old and new kit as many have tak­en advan­tage and recent­ly bought the old kit at a reduced price. We pro­pose that all old kit will be obso­lete by 1st Jan­u­ary 2025 giv­ing plen­ty of time to pur­chase the new range.

We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing the new kit on pool­side soon.

Many thanks
The COLSC Committee.

Teams Claim First and Third Place at White Rose Junior League

Posted on 3 October 2022

What a fan­tas­tic morn­ing of com­pe­ti­tion at the Annu­al White Rose Junior League on Sun­day. Con­grat­u­la­tions to our City of Leeds A & B Team who fin­ished in 1st & 3rd position.

The City of Leeds A team tri­umphed with 371 points and won the canon to progress through to the Grand Final, they saw off chal­lenges from City of Sheffield A (309), Don­cast­er Dartes (270), City of Sheffield B (182) and Har­ro­gate (137). Leeds A fin­ished with a whop­ping 34 1st places. The City of Leeds B Team (286) did an amaz­ing job and man­aged to steal lots of points from the oth­er teams to place third over­all in the com­pe­ti­tion. Well done every­one, it was a tense and amaz­ing experience.

The next round of the Junior League is the Grand Final which will be held on Sun­day 27th Novem­ber at Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Sports Cen­tre, Northamp­ton. This is our eleventh year in the com­pe­ti­tion, win­ning four years in a row (20102013) and claim­ing the title back again (2017 – 2019). After 3 years out, it would be great for our swim­mers to bring the tro­phy back home to Leeds once again for 2022.

Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting

Posted on 14 September 2022

All mem­bers and par­ents are invit­ed to attend the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club on 17th Octo­ber 2022 at 6.30 pm in the Deni­son Suite.

Any pro­pos­als for change to the rules to be con­sid­ered at the AGM must be received in writ­ing by the Hon­orary Secretary.

Nom­i­na­tions are invit­ed for both offi­cer­ship and sup­port­er mem­bers of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee and should be sub­mit­ted to the Hon­orary Secretary.Nomination forms are avail­able from the Hon­orary Sec­re­tary and must have the sig­na­tures of the nom­i­nee, pro­pos­er and sec­on­der and all must be paid up mem­bers of the Club.

Please make every effort to attend the above meet­ing. This is your Club and the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear from the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee about devel­op­ments dur­ing the year and to put for­ward thoughts you may have about the future run­ning of the Club or the way it is managed.

Please be aware that only ful­ly paid up mem­bers of the Club are eli­gi­ble to vote at the AGM.

Pip­pa Baird
Hon­orary Secretary

Meet Report: Swim Wales Summer Open Meet 2022

Posted on 9 August 2022

Well done to all the swim­mers who com­pet­ed at the Welsh Sum­mer Nation­als held in Swansea. The trip was a bril­liant suc­cess with lots of fast swim­ming and a great expe­ri­ence. For many swim­mers on the team this was their first time com­pet­ing away from home at a com­pe­ti­tion that was more than the usu­al 2 days. The ath­letes man­aged to organ­ise them­selves well through­out the trip prepar­ing them­selves well for the rac­ing pool each day.

In total, the team achieved 47 Medals. Includ­ing: 9 Gold, 20 Sil­ver, and 18 Bronze and 139 4th-8th Place. 36 out of 38 swim­mers made finals. Over­all, there were 357 Life­time Best Per­for­mances out of 524 Swims. That’s 68% PB’s from the City of Leeds! We made 128 finals, 90 of these were swum faster in the final. The medal­lists were:

Gold Medal­lists (7)

Will Wil­son (12 Yrs 800m Freestyle), Sam Hill (13 Yrs 200m Fly, 13 Yrs 100m Freestyle), Patrick O’Hara (12 Yrs 1500m Freestyle), George Car­ry (14 Yrs 1500m Freestyle), Mia Travis-Jones (12 Yrs 200m Fly, 13 Yrs 800m Freestyle), Matt James (14 Yrs 400m IM), Matil­da Pot­ter (14 Yrs 800m Freestyle)

Sil­ver Medal­lists (10)

Mil­lie Walk­er (13 Yrs 200m Freestyle, 13 Yrs 100m Freestyle), Annabelle Hart (13 Yrs 50m Fly, 50m Back­stroke), Will Wil­son (12 Yrs 200m IM, 12 Yrs 400m Freestyle, 12 Yrs 400m IM), Arthur Owens (13 Yrs 200m IM, 13 Yrs 200m Back­stroke), Hay­den Lam (12 Yrs 800m Freestyle,12 Yrs 1500m Freestyle), Matt James (14 Yrs 800m Freestyle, 14 Yrs 400m Freestyle), Luke Dyer (15 Yrs 800m Freestyle), Sam Hill (13 Yrs 50m Fly, 13 Yrs 1500m Freestyle, 13 Yrs 200m Freestyle, 13 Yrs 400m IM), Emi­ly Mar­ri­son (12 Yrs 50m Freestyle), Jacob O’Don­nell (13 Yrs 200m Breaststroke)

Bronze Medal­lists (13)

Mia Travis-Jones (12 Yrs 1500m Freestyle, 12 Yrs 100m Fly), Cait­lyn Smith (13 Yrs 1500m Freestyle), Alex New­ton (14 Yrs 1500m Freestyle), Abi Heald (17 Yrs & Over 1500m Freestyle, 17 Yrs & Over 400m IM), Matt James (14 Yrs 200m IM), Char­lotte Shaw (14 Yrs 50m Breast­stroke), Jacob O’Don­nell (12 Yrs 800m Freestyle), Arthur Owens (13 Yrs 400m Freestyle, 13 Yrs 200m Freestyle), Will Wil­son (12 Yrs 200m Backstroke,12 Yrs 1500m Freestyle), Mil­lie Walk­er (13 Yrs 100m Back­stroke, 13 Yrs 800m Freestyle), Sam Hill (13 Yrs 100m Fly), Hay­den Lam (12 Yrs 100m Freestyle), Emi­ly Mar­ri­son (12 Yrs 50m Backstroke)

Final­ists 4th8th Place (139)

Mia Travis Jones (200m Freestyle 50m Fly, 400m Freestyle, 100m Fly, 200m Back­stroke, 100m Freestyle, 400m IM, 50m Freestyle, 100m Back­stroke, 200m IM, 50m Back­stroke), Matil­da Pot­ter (200m Freestyle, 50m Fly, 50m Breast­stroke, 400m Freestyle, 200m Back­stroke, 200m Breast­stroke, 100m Breast­stroke), Char­lotte Shaw (200m Freestyle,100m Freestyle, 200m Breast­stroke, 50m Freestyle, 800m Freestyle, 100m Breast­stroke), Hay­den Lam (50m Freestyle, 200m IM, 50m Fly, 400m Freestyle, 200m Freestyle, 200m Breast­stroke), Con­nor McCullen (50m Freestyle, 200m Back­stroke, 50m Back­stroke), Sam Hill (50m Freestyle, 200m IM, 800m Freestyle, 100m Back­stroke, 200m Back­stroke, 200m Back­stroke, 400m Freestyle, 50m Back­stroke), Matt Roberts (50m Freestyle, 200m IM, 100m Back­stroke, 50m Back­stroke), Aira Wilkin­son (50m Fly, 100m Fly, 200m Breast­stroke, 400m IM, 200m Fly), Darcey Black­er (50m Fly), Owen Car­mody (200m IM, 200m Fly, 200m Back­stroke, 50m Fly, 400m Freestyle, 100m Fly, 1500m Freestyle, 400m IM, 200m Breast­stroke), Shae Bryant (200m IM, 50m Breaststroke,100m Breast­stroke, 50m Fly, 50m Back­stroke, 400m Freestyle, 200m Breast­stroke, 200m Breast­stroke), Jacob O’Donnell (200m IM, 50m Breast­stroke, 100m Breast­stroke, 200m Fly, 1500m Freestyle, 400m IM, 100m Freestyle, 400m IM, 100m Freestyle), Eloise Andrea­son (50m Breast­stroke), Cait­lyn Smith (50m Breast­stroke), Ella McDer­mott (50m Breast­stroke), Cal­lum Raven (800m Freestyle,50m Fly, 100m Fly), Mil­lie Walk­er (400m Freestyle, 200m Back­stroke, 50m Freestyle, 200m Fly, 100m Back­stroke, 200m IM, 50m Back­stroke), Will Wil­son (100m Back­stroke, 200m Fly, 50m Back­stroke, 200m Freestyle, 200m Breast­stroke), Patrick O’Hara (100m Back­stroke, 50m Breast­stroke, 100m Breast­stroke, 400m Freestyle, 200m Back­stroke, 200m Freestyle, 400m IM), Arthur Owens (100m Back­stroke, 50m Back­stroke, 200m Breast­stroke), Matt James (100m Back­stroke, 200m Back­stroke, 200m Freestyle, 100m Fly, 100m Freestyle), Annabelle Hart (100m Fly), Ruby Ellis (100m Fly, 200m Fly), Hay­den Che­ung (50m Breast­stroke, 200m Fly, 100m Breast­stroke, 400m IM), Jack­son Clarke (200m Fly, 1500m Freestyle), Luke Dyer (200m Fly), Emi­ly Mar­ri­son (100m Freestyle, 100m Back­stroke), Jamie Thom­son (200m Back­stroke, 400m IM), Oli Steele (200m Back­stroke, 1500m Freestyle, 400m IM), Ellie Akhtar (200m Breast­stroke, 100m Breast­stroke), Cait­lyn Smith (400m IM), Abi Heald (200m Fly, 800m Freestyle), Annabelle Hart (100m Back­stroke), Alex New­ton (100m Back­stroke, 50m Back­stroke), Zach Helm (1500m Freestyle, 400m IM), George Car­ry (400m IM, 100m Freestyle)

Awe­some Swim­ming!!! A great way to fin­ish off the sea­son. We look for­ward to you all return­ing as we start the new sea­son! You’ve made us all so incred­i­bly proud, and it’s been an hon­our to make these mem­o­ries with you over the past week. You have been the absolute Dream Team.

A big thank you to all the Welsh Sum­mer Nation­als Team 2022 who did an amaz­ing job over the past week and made this trip possible.

Coach­es: Phoebe Par­ry, Joe Stott, Oli Nevitt, Tia Bur­den, and Emi­ly Jones.
Team Man­agers: Angela Dyer, Helen Ellis, and Sharon Barraclough.

Have a fan­tas­tic sum­mer and stay safe.

WE ARE.….…..LEEDS!!!

Results: Swim Wales Sum­mer Open 2022 – Results [rar​-tim​ing​.co​.uk]

Pho­tos of the team in action: Wales Sum­mer Open 2022 – Pho­tos [pho​to​buck​et​.com]

The Welsh Sum­mer Nation­als Team

Swim England North East Region - Open Water Squad

Posted on 18 May 2022

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing swim­mers on their selec­tion to the Swim Eng­land North East Region – Open Water Squad:

  • William Wil­son
  • William Hick­lin
  • Matthew James
  • Char­lie Hinson
  • Kourosh Kho­dakhah
  • George Brooks
  • Mei Yuasa
  • Jes­si­ca Woods
  • Mil­lie Threlfall
  • Vale­ria Pinera-Levita
  • Hol­lie Wilson
  • Lucy All­man

The Region­al Squad forms part of the Swim Eng­land nation­al swim­ming tal­ent path­way and will pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for swim­mers to devel­op their tech­ni­cal, tac­ti­cal, phys­i­cal and lifestyle open water skills with swim­mers of a sim­i­lar age and abil­i­ty from across the North East. The camp will also pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for swim­mers to work with dif­fer­ent coach­es and to train in a dif­fer­ent envi­ron­ment. We hope that the camps will be a pos­i­tive and reward­ing expe­ri­ence, with the inten­tion of them being a step­ping-stone for you to progress to fur­ther stages of the path­way in the future.

Marathon swim­ming has been includ­ed as an event at the Olympic Games since Bei­jing 2008, where British ath­letes won 3 of the 6 medals award­ed. Ker­ri-Anne Payne (dou­ble world 10Km cham­pi­on and Euro­pean SC 400m freestyle cham­pi­on) and Cassie Pat­ten (world 10Km sil­ver medal­ist and 4th at World SC for 800m freestyle) won sil­ver and bronze respec­tive­ly in the Wom­ens 10Km, and David Davies won sil­ver in the Mens 10Km (won bronze in Athens 2004 in the 1500m). The best ath­letes in the marathon events are all great pool swim­mers first, which is why we would like to intro­duce you to the excit­ing world of open water swim­ming through our Region­al Squad.

This year’s camps will engage with ath­letes in the 1216 year old age groups where age is defined as at 31st Decem­ber 2022. Selec­tions were tak­en direct­ly from the Nation­al rank­ings for the 12 month peri­od up to and includ­ing 31st March 2022. The top 3 male and female per­for­mances were iden­ti­fied from each sin­gle age group in the 1500m and 800m Freestyle respectively.

Swimmers Selected for Swim England National Event Camps

Posted on 17 January 2022

Well done to Lara Thom­son, Leah Schlosshan and Jess Wid­dow­son who were 3 of the select­ed 100 swim­mers for Phase 2 of the Swim Eng­land Nation­al Event Camps.

The group of 15 – 16-year-old ath­letes were select­ed based on their per­for­mances from the Fes­ti­val of Swim­ming and the 2021 Swim Eng­land Nation­al Win­ter Championships.

The selec­tions have been described as a sig­nif­i­cant step towards cre­at­ing an inclu­sive and ful­ly inte­grat­ed tal­ent pathway’.

The ath­letes will now expe­ri­ence a mix­ture of train­ing ses­sions, edu­ca­tion­al work­shops and phys­i­cal screen­ing, as well as an event-spe­cif­ic camp to be held in Birm­ing­ham lat­er this year.

There will also be an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to race at the Com­mon­wealth Games Test Event at the Sandwell Aquat­ics Cen­tre which is planned for May 2022.

The young­sters select­ed will receive bespoke train­ing sup­port and ath­lete devel­op­ment from a num­ber of spe­cial­ist head coach­es. These are Dan Pil­brow (form & indi­vid­ual med­ley), Emma Collings-Barnes (freestyle), and Marc Fos­ter (open water).

Addi­tion­al­ly, 15 skills coach­es will accom­pa­ny the head coach­es and assist in the deliv­ery of the event camps to the athletes.

Ful­ly inte­grat­ed tal­ent pathway’

Tom McManus, Swim Eng­land nation­al tal­ent offi­cer, said: These selec­tions include swim­mers and para-swim­mers which is a sig­nif­i­cant step towards cre­at­ing an inclu­sive and ful­ly inte­grat­ed swim­ming and para-swim­ming tal­ent path­way ahead of the new sea­son in Sep­tem­ber 2022.

Phase 1 of the Nation­al Event Camps saw a selec­tion of 161 ath­letes access an inter­ac­tive online edu­ca­tion last Novem­ber which was led by our prac­ti­tion­ers and sup­port­ed by our tal­ent­ed coach­ing team.

All ath­letes showed fan­tas­tic engage­ment and will­ing­ness to learn and devel­op them­selves both as ath­letes and individuals.

The camps in Birm­ing­ham will be held in Feb­ru­ary and con­sists of pool and land train­ing ses­sions as well as edu­ca­tion­al work­shops and phys­i­cal screening.

Atten­dees will learn more about them­selves, both as ath­letes and as peo­ple, and apply these learn­ings back into their dai­ly train­ing envi­ron­ments to sup­port the remain­der of their swim season.”