Youngsters Defend National Junior League Title

Posted on 30 November 2018

The team return from Cor­by tri­umphant after win­ning the Junior League Grand Final for the sixth time.

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League and ensured City of Leeds came out on top in all 3 rounds. The Grand Final was a tense and excit­ing after­noon with lots of fast rac­ing and fun. It was great to see you all come togeth­er as a team and sup­port each oth­er to the very end. Out of 49 races, City of Leeds bagged 23 1st place fin­ish­es, which helped us claim vic­to­ry over sec­ond placed Guild­ford by just 4 points! An out­stand­ing per­for­mance by all.

Par­ents, thank you for all the effort that went into sup­port­ing the team; you were all excel­lent. You looked good and it real­ly helped moti­vate the swimmers.

Well done to swim­mers, coach­es, team man­agers and sup­port­ers for a fan­tas­tic event and an out­stand­ing victory.

Final stand­ings

1  City of Leeds  337 
2  Guildford  333 
3  Cam­den Swiss Cottage  202 
4  Tynemouth  199 
5  City of Coventry  189 
6  Southport  175 
7  City of Derby  169 
8  Leices­ter Sharks  151 


Megan Travis  Top 9 yrs Girl 
Daniel Ransom  Top 10 yrs Boy 
Oliv­er Brompton  Top 10 yrs Boy 


Girls 9 yrs 4 x 25m Med­ley Relay  Megan Travis, Hazel Blain, Eliz­a­beth Dixon, Sophie Ramshaw  1:10.73
Girls 10 yrs 4 x 25m Med­ley Relay  Char­lotte Shaw, Mil­lie Williams, Han­nah Smith, Emma Wood  1:04.62
Girls 10 yrs 4 x 25m Freestyle Relay  Char­lotte Shaw, Lau­ren Lil­ley, Han­nah Smith, Emma Wood  58.78
Boys 10 yrs 4 x 25m Freestyle Relay  Oliv­er Bromp­ton, Char­lie Hin­son, Matthew Just, Daniel Ransom  59.21
Girls 9 yrs 50m Breaststroke  Hazel Blain  43.51

Northern Domination in Junior League

Posted on 10 October 2018

An excit­ing day of rac­ing in Black­pool as City of Leeds tri­umph in the North­ern Final for a sev­enth time.

We would like to con­grat­u­late all of you on your behav­iour, cheer­ing, team spir­it, swim­ming, and most impor­tant­ly, win­ning the Nation­al Junior League North­ern Final. You were all ace and we are very proud of you.

This is the sev­enth time we have won the North­ern Final after vic­to­ries in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2017.

The team achieved a whop­ping 32 first place fin­ish­es (4 more than last year), and placed in the top 3 in every event. Back to hard train­ing now, ready to put up a fight in the Nation­al Final on 25th Novem­ber in Corby.

It was great to see all the par­ents hav­ing so much fun on the bal­cony as you cheered for your team. Thank you for all the sup­port you gave to each of the swim­mers. Let’s see if we can go to the final with not just the best swim­mers, but the best sup­port­ers as well.

The team would like to thank Kim Math­ias and Meron Gebre for their fan­tas­tic team man­ag­ment, and also David Broome, Jack­ie Broome and Vicky Spencer for their help on the day.

Good luck to City of Leeds, South­port, Tynemouth and Leices­ter Sharks who move for­ward to the Nation­al Final in November.

The team for the Nation­al Final will be announced soon.

Well done, everyone!

Meet Report: Welsh Summer Open Meet 2018

Posted on 19 August 2018

An uplift­ing week of rac­ing down in Swansea pro­duced 408 PBs, 12 golds, 15 sil­vers, 18 bronzes and 89 final swims

The Welsh Sum­mer Open Meet pro­vides a fan­tas­tic oppor­tu­ni­ty for swim­mers to expe­ri­ence com­pet­ing at a 7‑day com­pe­ti­tion with heats and finals, to be part of a team envi­ron­ment, and to learn how to cope with the demands asso­ci­at­ed with this lev­el of com­pe­ti­tion. City of Leeds swim­mers who have com­pet­ed at this event pre­vi­ous­ly have sub­se­quent­ly gone on to com­pete at ASA Nation­al Cham­pi­onships and become val­ued mem­bers of our nation­al teams.

A well-rep­re­sent­ed group of 37 swim­mers per­formed extra­or­di­nar­i­ly well over the gru­elling week-long meet, which includ­ed up to 3 ses­sions of rac­ing per day; life­time per­son­al bests fell left, right and cen­tre. Heads were turned dur­ing finals ses­sions as the horns and voic­es of the whole team of City of Leeds swim­mers, staff and sup­port­ers over­pow­ered the com­pe­ti­tion with noise of encour­age­ment to fuel some impres­sive racing.

City of Leeds swim­mers were suc­cess­ful in achiev­ing 89 places in finals and took home an impres­sive 45 medals – 13 more than last year. Par­tic­u­lar­ly impres­sive was our final­ists’ abil­i­ty to con­vert 72 heat swims into even faster final swims, giv­ing an 81% con­ver­sion rate. And from a total of 584 swims, our ath­letes achieved 408 per­son­al bests, which is almost a 70% PB rate.

A great fin­ish to the 2017 – 18 sea­son. Well done everyone!

A spe­cial thanks to our bril­liant vol­un­teers Kim Math­ias, Meron Gebre and David Broome for their hard work, ded­i­ca­tion and sup­port to the swim­mers and coach­es over the week. Events like this would not be pos­si­ble with­out the help of these unsung heroes.

Also a big thank you to all the par­ents, car­ers and sup­port­ers of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club.

Awe­some Swimming!

Medal­lists and Top 8 Finishes

12 Gold

Megan Sharp (4), Louis Ain­ley (2), Sasha Long (2), Philip­pa Brom­ley, Eliz­a­beth Rus­sell, Kas­ja Rick­el­ton, Adam Wood

15 Sil­ver

Jamie Broome (3), Jad Idris (2), Sasha Long (2), Elliott Watkins (2), Philip­pa Brom­ley, Megan Bur­nell, Ellie Dibb, Hol­ly Mac­don­ald, Eliz­a­beth Rus­sell, Adam Wood

18 Bronze

Martha Callaghan (5), Kas­ja Rick­el­ton (3), Sasha Long (2), Ellie Dibb, George Knowles, Dominic Math­ias, Rhys Rid­di­ford, James Robin­son, Eliz­a­beth Rus­sell, Adam Wood

18 4th Place Finishes 

Martha Callaghan (3), Solomon Hodg­son (2), Jes­si­ca Wid­dow­son (2), Adam Wood (2), Lucy All­man, Jamie Broome, Megan Bur­nell, Jad Idris, George Knowles, Sasha Long, Hol­ly Mac­don­ald, Dominic Math­ias, Megan Sharp

16 5th Place Finishes

Jolie McG­reavy (2), James Robin­son (2), Megan Sharp (2), Louis Ain­ley, Char­lie Broome, Jamie Broome, Megan Burnell(1), Martha Callaghan, Hol­ly Mac­don­ald, Dominic Math­ias, Jes­si­ca Wid­dow­son, Elliott Watkins, Fin­lay Williams

24 6th Place Finishes

Jamie Broome (4), Char­lie Broome (2), Kas­ja Rick­el­ton (2), George Knowles (2), Elliott Watkins (2), Adam Wood (2), Lucy All­man, Philip­pa Brom­ley, Martha Callaghan, Hen­ry Firth, Jacob Good­win, Dominic Math­ias, Jolie McG­reavy, James Robin­son, Joshua Sut­cliffe, Megan Sharp

23 7th Place Finishes

Samuel Emmett (3), Louis Ain­ley (2), Hol­ly Mac­don­ald (2), Kas­ja Rick­el­ton (2), Jamie Broome, Philip­pa Brom­ley, Char­lotte Clarke, Ellie Dibb, Nathan Dulay, Martha Everett, George Knowles, Sasha Long, Jolie McG­reavy, James Robin­son, Joshua Sut­cliffe, Elliott Watkins, Fin­lay Williams, Adam Wood

16 8th Place Finishes

Kas­ja Rick­el­ton (3), Jad Idris (2), Louis Ain­ley, Nathan Dulay, Hen­ry Firth, Jacob Good­win, George Knowles, Hol­ly Mac­don­ald, Dominic Math­ias, Jolie McG­reavy, Rhys Rid­di­ford, Megan Sharp, Fin­lay Williams

Leeds Claim Top 2 Spots at White Rose Junior League

Posted on 11 July 2018

What a fan­tas­tic morn­ing of com­pe­ti­tion at the annu­al White Rose Junior League on Sat­ur­day morn­ing. The City of Leeds A’ team tri­umphed with 225 points, topped off by win­ning the canon, to progress to the North­ern Final.

The team earned a whop­ping 36 1st place fin­ish­es whilst see­ing off chal­lenges from City of Sheffield (145) and Bo Kirklees (128). Our B’ Team fin­ished in sec­ond place with 152 points and did an amaz­ing job of steal­ing points from the oth­er teams. This is the first time in the his­to­ry of the Junior League that the City of Leeds A’ and B’ teams have fin­ished 1st and 2nd. Well done every­one; it was a tense and amaz­ing experience.

The next round of the Junior League is the North­ern Final which will be held on Sun­day 7th Octo­ber at Pala­tine Leisure Cen­tre in Black­pool. This is our ninth year in the com­pe­ti­tion, hav­ing pre­vi­ous­ly won it four years in a row (2010 – 2013) before claim­ing the title back once again last year. It would be great to storm through to the Nation­al Final on 25th Novem­ber in Cor­by and bring the tro­phy back to Leeds once again.

Results should be avail­able on the York­shire SA web­site soon.

Thanks to David Broome and Leanne Law­son for offi­ci­at­ing, as well as a huge thank you to our fan­tas­tic team man­agers on the day: Meron Gebre, Jane Good­win, Kay Jack­son & Sam Goodison.

Also, a big shout out to all those par­ents who made the effort to wear team colours and join in the fun by wear­ing wigs and face paint. Great job! Hope­ful­ly you can top it at the North­ern Final.

Well done every­one! Keep focus­ing on great takeovers and fin­ish­es dur­ing train­ing, ready to smash the North­ern Final.

The Region­al Team

NER Age Group Championships Results Summary

Posted on 31 May 2018

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Lau­ren Smith (4), Emilio Pani­agua-Gutier­rez (3), Kidi­est Hodg­son (2), Martha Bradley, Niamh Car­roll, Olivia Hiday­at, Rhys Rid­di­ford Ben Shel­ton, Lara Thomson


Lara Thom­son (4), Martha Bradley (3), Ella Coop­er (2), Kidi­est Hodg­son (2), Leah Schlosshan (2), Ben Shel­ton (2), Lau­ren Smith (2), Elliot Watkins (2), Isla Williams (2), Mol­lie Greene, Olivia Hiday­at, Iona Logan, Dominic Math­ias, Emilio Pani­agua-Gutier­rez, Rhys Rid­di­ford, Amelie Turner


Ben Shel­ton (3), Martha Bradley (2), Niamh Car­roll (2), Kidi­est Hodg­son (2), Kas­ja Rick­le­ton (2), Amelie Turn­er (2), Rebec­ca Dunn, Iona Logan, Leah Schlosshan, Megan Sharp, Lau­ren Smith, Lara Thomson

Top 10

Iona Logan (12), Dominic Math­ias (7), Lara Thom­son (7), Isla Williams (7), Ella Coop­er (6), Sien­na Ho-Shing (5), Leah Schlosshan (5), Amelie Turn­er (5), Mol­lie Greene (4), Kourosh Kho­dakhah (4), Melis­sa Moor­house (4), Emilio Pani­agua-Gutier­rez (4), Ben Shel­ton (4), Joshua Sut­cliffe (4), Elliot Watkins (4), Martha Callaghan (3), Niamh Car­roll (3), Sam Emmett (3), Olivia Hiday­at (3), Kidi­est Hodg­son (3), Jad Idris (3), George Knowles (3), James Robin­son (3), Megan Sharp (3), Lau­ren Smith (3), Philip­pa Brom­ley (2), George Brooks (2), Megan Bur­nell (2), Hen­ry Firth (2), Freya John­son (2), Martha Bradley, Nathan Dulay, Rebec­ca Dunn, Joseph Lev­i­son, Har­ry Mil­ner, Kas­ja Rick­el­ton, Rhys Rid­di­ford, Eliz­a­beth Russell

NER Youth & Senior Championships Results Summary

Posted on 21 May 2018

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the fol­low­ing medal­lists and finalists:


Leah Crisp (3), Cia­ra Schlosshan (2), 14 – 16 Yrs Female Relay Teams (24x100m Freestyle/​4x100m Med­ley), Myles Stirk.


17 Yrs/​Ov Female Relay Teams (34x100m & 4x200m Freestyle/​4x100m Med­ley), Jake Sykes (2), Jon­ny Mil­ner, Char­lotte Robin­son, Kather­ine Rus­sell, Myles Stirk, Tia Ward.


14 – 16 Yrs Male Relay Teams (34x100m & 4x200m Freestyle/​4x100m Med­ley), 17 Yrs/​Ov Male Relay Teams (24x200 Freestyle/​4x100m Med­ley), Martha Bradley (2), Kather­ine Rus­sell (2), Liam Bir­rell, Vik­to­ria Gnandt, Jon­ny Mil­ner, Ella Potts, Cia­ra Schlosshan, Myles Stirk, Tia Ward.

Top 10

Char­lotte Robin­son (5), Jon­ny Mil­ner (4), 14 – 16 Yrs Female Relay Teams (34x100m & 4x200m Freestyle/​4x100m Med­ley), 14 – 16 Yrs Male Relay Teams (34x100m & 4x200 Freestyle/​4x100m Med­ley) Isabelle Good­win (3), Kidi­est Hodg­son (3), Jake Lam­bert (3), Ethan Sut­cliffe (3), Tia Ward (3), Liam Bir­rell (2), Martha Bradley (2), Jacob But­ter­field (2), Kather­ine Rus­sell (2), 17 Yrs/​Ov Male 4x100m Freestyle Relay Team, Jamie Broome, Dal­ton Clapham, Ella Coop­er Leah Crisp, Rebec­ca Dunn, Vik­to­ria Gnandt, Sien­na Ho-Shing, Ella Potts, Akal S. Rehal Leah Schlosshan, Myles Stirk, Jes­si­ca Teale, Amelie Turn­er, Matthew Yeomans.

2017 Junior League Team Shortlisted for Leeds Sports Awards

Posted on 9 January 2018

Big con­grat­u­la­tions to our 2017 Junior League team, who have been short­list­ed as final­ists at the Leeds Sports Awards, to be held at the First Direct Are­na, Leeds on 1st March 2018.

The team are final­ists in the Young Club/​Team Per­for­mance and Young Club/​Team Par­tic­i­pa­tion Categories.